France realizing its gone too far?



It appears that France is softening their position after much criticism.

I really liked this paragraph,

He enumerated what he called a series of French roadblocks on Iraq disarmament: "the French have consistently, in 1995, for example, refused to find him in material breach. In '96, refused to criticize Saddam Hussein (news - web sites) for what he was doing to the Kurds. In '97, refused to block the travel of Iraqi intelligence officers. In '98, declared Saddam was free of all weapons of mass destruction. In '99, refused to support UNMOVIC, the very institution now they want to entrust this important responsibility to."


Well-Known Member
The peaceniks are right....this is about oil but they have the players wrong. France thinks they will be the drilling & exploration equipment supplier for Iraq but that won't happen if there is war.


I especially liked the part in which the French defense Minister said that although France would not take part in a unilateral war with Iraq, it would have a part in post war Iraq. Yea, like that is going to happen. I think that the berret wearing snobs of Europe have ticked off the wrong redneck in Washington.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Christy
:roflmao: I do believe you are correct!! :roflmao:
Let's hope he is correct. Those sleazbags would try to make a profit off their dying momma. They should not be a part of anything in post war Iraq, NOTHING!


I picture a big-jowelled freezing Frenchman's face pressed up against a window looking in at the warm hearth of the United States, England, and Spain. Too bad Chirac... you had your chance.:biggrin: