88% say they’ve creeped an ex’s Facebook page


Lawful neutral
Sun News : 88% say they’ve creeped an ex’s Facebook page, study finds

LONDON, Ont. - Your heart is broken after a break-up, so what do you do?

Chances are you'll start creeping your ex-partner on Facebook, new Western University research shows.

Then you'll move on to creeping his new partner - or who you suspect is his new partner.

You'll probably also re-read and analyze your previous Facebook messages and wall posts and maybe delete pictures of the two of you together in happier times.

"I wanted to see how break-up distress is related to Facebook use," said Veronika Lukacs, who next week will defend her Masters thesis, called, It's Complicated: Romantic breakups and their aftermath on Facebook.

"What I found was that whether you were on Facebook all the time or not, your distress level changed based on how much surveillance you were doing (post break-up)."

Lukacs' research surveyed people who'd broken up with an boyfriend or girlfriend in the past 12 months.

Subjects filled out a survey about their breakup experiences. Lukacs also conducted interviews about the subject.

Her hypothesis that Facebook increased post-breakup distress proved true, often because of so-called "creeping" - checking out an ex-partners profile to check up on what they were doing.

Lukacs found that 88% of respondents creeped their ex's page, and 80% looked up their ex's new partner or suspected new partner.


New Member
I always de-friended exes... I think it's called "closure"...

Ironically, it offended two different girls that had done the dumping.


I remember once I stalked an ex that had hurt me, for, like, a year or so....

Finally I got up the nerve to send her a friend request. She accepted it, and I posted #### YOU! on her wall and then unfriended her.

And then she got all pissy about it. What a freak!


Lem Putt
All of my exes changed their names and moved when we broke up, so I can't find them. #####es.