A 1930s Guide for Women on Undressing for Their Men


Lawful neutral

1.“Attractive undressing technique is here being demonstrated by June St. Clair (right), of the Allen Gilbert School of Undressing.”
2.“She begins the day’s classroom exercise by neatly sliding her dress down over her hips and gracefully stepping out of it.”
3.“At the Allen Gilbert School for Undressing, Professor Connie Fonzlau begins her lecture on “Bedroom Don’ts” by demonstrating the worst possible method of disrobing.”
4.“No creases remain after Miss St. Clair (right) picks up her dress up, smoothes it out, places it on a chair which remains otherwise unoccupied. Such good bedroom manners are essential to married happiness once the honeymoon is over.”
5.“Nightgown technique is the high point in the Gilbert course. Here Miss St. Clair adroitly gets into her nightgown and drops her lingerie all in one magic motion.”
6.“A prime principle of artful undressing is to keep the hands graceful at all times. Here Miss Fonzlau clearly demonstrates what a knot some women make of their clothes.”
7.“Here June St. Clair, of the Gilbert Undressing School, shows a preview audience how to remove lingerie. Note the use of the side view, with right knee slightly crooked.”
8.“In this demonstration the lecturer is committing an unpardonable sin known as ‘working both sides at once’.”
9.“The business of taking off stockings, as here demonstrated by Miss June St. Clair is virtually an art in itself. Wives should use both hands to roll them down from the top slowly and neatly, thus avoiding all suspicion of slovenly unaesthetic wrinkles.”
10.“Two excellent purposes are served by rolling down stockings instead of merely pulling them off by the toes. Economically, a husband is pleased by the absence of runs, romantically, he is gratified by his wife’s graceful method of displaying her legs.”
11.“Too many American wives reveal bad bedroom manners by letting their hair down too soon, by allowing their stockings to wrinkle off and by sitting on discarded clothes.”


  • How a Wife Should and Should Not Undress (1).jpg
    How a Wife Should and Should Not Undress (1).jpg
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Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
Hmmm, now where did I toss that garter belt to last night? :ohwell:


New Member
Hmmm, now where did I toss that garter belt to last night? :ohwell:

Not into that link. None of those are plus sizes...

EDIT: I see someone sneaked in here and removed the hyper link that was in the original post.... Well played... Well played.
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