A Brain Pace Maker for Alzheimers


aka Mrs. Giant
Brain 'pacemaker' to treat Alzheimer's
Researchers surgically implanted a pacemaker-like device into the brain of a patient with early Alzheimer's disease, they say is first such U.S. operation...

..."This is a very different approach, whereby we are trying to enhance the function of the brain mechanically. It's a whole new avenue for potential treatment for a disease becoming all the more common with the aging of the population."


I think it will be interesting to follow this study. The implications are that this could be used to treat other previously untreatable diseases of the brain.


Soul Probe
Brain 'pacemaker' to treat Alzheimer's
Researchers surgically implanted a pacemaker-like device into the brain of a patient with early Alzheimer's disease, they say is first such U.S. operation...

..."This is a very different approach, whereby we are trying to enhance the function of the brain mechanically. It's a whole new avenue for potential treatment for a disease becoming all the more common with the aging of the population."


I think it will be interesting to follow this study. The implications are that this could be used to treat other previously untreatable diseases of the brain.

Or possibly be used to create super-braniac people tapping into the heretofore unused parts of our brains. :nerd: