A breath of fresh air


Methodically disorganized
Blacks fault lack of local leadership

The truth is, black people died not because of President Bush or racism, they died because of their unhealthy dependence on the government and the incompetence of Mayor Ray Nagin and Governor Kathleen Blanco.
(Spoken by the Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, founder and president of the Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny.)

I also found this line amusing:
The president's policies in Iraq contributed to the slow response of federal troops who should have been on alert even before the hurricane struck.
That's from Charles Rangel (D - NY). And here I have been under the wacky impression that it was Gov. Blanco's lack of competence rather than a lack of available troops that led to the delay. I should stop focusing on the darned facts so much. :bonk:


Lovin' being Texican
hvp05 said:
I also found this line amusing:
That's from Charles Rangel (D - NY). And here I have been under the wacky impression that it was Gov. Blanco's lack of competence rather than a lack of available troops that led to the delay. I should stop focusing on the darned facts so much. :bonk:

This is Charlie Frikkin Rangel we're talking about. He's somewhere on the left of Al "Tawana Brawley who?" Sharpton when it comes to reality-based reasoning.