The deal just announced made both of those gentlemen look foolish and exstreem. 7 Republicans and 7 Democrats led by McCain have usurped their parties leadership. The pretty much crashes any hopes Frist had at the white house. It also makes Ried vulnerable to be ousted as minority leader.
Now these "centrist" Republicans and Democrats face severe punishment from their parties leadership. I think Frist and Ried had both better temper their wrath because all it would take is for some of these centrists to pull a Jeffords and switch parties and they would be screwed. Collins and Snowe, both considered RINO's are the 2 that come to mind who could swap parties, both are from Maine, a solidly blue state, both very popular and do not fear being outsted in the next ellections.
I applaud these 14 centrists who took a stand and negotiated.
Now these "centrist" Republicans and Democrats face severe punishment from their parties leadership. I think Frist and Ried had both better temper their wrath because all it would take is for some of these centrists to pull a Jeffords and switch parties and they would be screwed. Collins and Snowe, both considered RINO's are the 2 that come to mind who could swap parties, both are from Maine, a solidly blue state, both very popular and do not fear being outsted in the next ellections.
I applaud these 14 centrists who took a stand and negotiated.