A devotion to Larry...


Football addict
...and his Cowboy's threads.:biggrin:

Ah yes, we have all the great hits of the past.

I am pacing the house...

...like an emotionally disturbed being...thinking wonderfully angry and vile thoughts...I can NOT wait.

This will be either one of the worst days of my life or one of the....greatest.

Boswell got it right today in saying this is a chance for the hate to come back in this relationship and I have rage issues.

Oh, how I hate the Dallas Cowboys.

Roger, Clint Longley, Danny White, Drew, Dorestt, Harris, Hollywood, Too Tall, all of them. Landry. Arggh. Dion Sanders was a Cowboy. I hate him several ways, but that's the best one. Harvey...Jethro PUGH. Rafael Septien and his girly trot/walk. bwahhahah.

Unfortunately, there aren't any Cowboys of the last 15 years I actually hate or even really dislike. I even Like Jimmy Johnson. So, I hate the Cowboys of my youth. I like Parcells. They've owned us for so long that it's more disheartening, but the only realistic thing to do, so, we focus on how much we've sucked. Maybe something will happen today? We have to hold up our end of the argument.

It HAS to. We've GOT to sweep their ass. This relationship, forged in hell and flavored by fear and loathing and despisement has got to rise again!

Sign idea:

Dallas tixs $400
Parking: $100
Passing on HATRED for the Cowboys to the next generation:


Back to pacing...what time is it???? 6 cups of coffee...

Guess I'll go take another dallas while all sleep soundly...
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One thing I like about Dallas...



I hated Tom Landry.

I hated Drew Pearson.


I hated Tony Dorsett. Sorry...HATED.

I hated Harvey Martin.

I hated Too Tall.

I HATE the stadium.

I hate that stupid star.

I hate those STUPID colors.

There's more plastic in the cheerleaders than Silcon Vally.

I hate Irvin.

I hate it when the stupid crowd went "Mooooooooossseee" to Johnson. Why not be yourselves and just and leave it at "Moo"? Idiots.

I DESPISE Clint "Turkey" Longley.

I hate the airport.

I can't stand Larry Hagmen.

"Tex" Schramm is probably a FAKE nickname.

I hated that the only good player they ever had came from Maryland.

And the greatest day in the history of pro football was when Harold McLinton KNOCKED ROGER STAUBACH OUT COLD at the goal line.

Other than that...nice town.

DIE, you gravy sucking pigs.
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Folks, this is it, this is all we got left.

1 weeks HATE!!!!!!!! Come on!




This fire has to last all winter long...

Did I mention HATING THAT STUPID DAMN HAT of Landrys???



Know why it's so damn windy in Oklahoma?????




Hail Dallas? Hail No!!!!

I feel a song coming on.....


Hail, VIC TOR EEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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..."Whistlin' Dip####" the six shooting dumb ass cowboy.

FWY, Zema Williams, "Mr. Redskin", kicks his stupid dirt farmer ass EVERY time.

Dumb, cheatin cowboy needs his little sissy guns, can't shoot for nothin' and Zema does him in with a war whoop and quick spear to his soul-less, heart-less carcass. I hope his pace maker (stolen obviously) gives out next time on national TV and we can have us a Boot Hill Beer Bash!!!

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Larry Gude

Strung Out

...you know, some times your old work is your best work.

I'm kinda numb this week. Gibbs is entering into some sort of detached cheerleader/managerial role. Snyder is hobnobbing with Tom Cruise. The player turnover is so profound and extensive that none of them can work up a good mad about Dallas and still keep a straight face.

Depressed...not much to hold onto this week...maybe Jansen will blow a fuse in public with Sonny or something, furious that all the newcomers just don't get it and need to, right effing now.



Football addict
County_Boy said:
Hail to the Redskins.........

<EMBED src=""http://somdonline.homestead.com/HailRedskins.swf width="100%" height="100%" type=application/x-shockwave-flash></EMBED>
:getdown:That song never grows old.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
County_Boy said:
Hail to the Redskins.........

<EMBED SRC="http://somdonline.homestead.com/HailRedskins.swf" HEIGHT="100%" WIDTH="100%"></EMBED>
I am going to beat you if you don't stop doing that :bonk: :lol:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...we ain't dead yet! That helped!!!!

Let me at 'em! There's blood left yet, you GRAVY SUCKING PIGS!!!!!!!!!!!

Go, Skins!!!!!!!!!!!

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
vraiblonde said:
I am going to beat you if you don't stop doing that :bonk: :lol:
I turn my speakers off when I go to the sports forums, after hearing that 10 times today. You should try that.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Mr. Snyder...

MrSnyder said:

...may I call you Dan? WOuld you get the FREAKS out of the owners box and concentrate on building and KEEPING OUR team together?

Jsut because Joe wants this or that doesn't mean he NEEDS this or that.

To many cooks spoil the dish.

Don't buy everyone elses high priced free agents; keep OURS.

Thank you for your time, young man!


Asperger's Poster Child
What's your opinion about Larry Michaels? Last season, Don & Mike used to make fun of Larry's funereal tone in the postgame show whenever the Redskins lost a close game. They used to play Michaels tapes with a funeral organ dirge in the background. As I understood it, Michaels lobbied to have WJFK and the team remove Herzog so he could join Sonny and Sam. Is this accurate?