A first! At least for me


Dancing Up A Storm
Last night I was watching Monday Night Countdown and the phone rings. My caller ID tells me by the lack of name and number that it's somebody trying to sell me something I may or may not want.
I decided this time to pick up and tell the telemarketer that I wasn't interested, don't want it, and to take me off their calling list.

Turns out it was a political poll, allegedly being conducted by the University of Pennsylvania! Ok, I thought, this is the first time I'd ever been contacted by a pollster, so let's see where this leads to.

Well, long story short, it consisted of approx. 40 to 50 questions; it took about a half hour to complete this, and seemed above board, nothing indicating any skewing of political leanings. The guy conducting the poll didn't try to lead me in the direction of either of the 2 candidates, so no "red flags" went off inside me.

I hope in some small way, my input helped GW Bushs' numbers rise in these last few days, because I sure as hell didn't give any support to JF Kerry.

We'll see.


Dancing Up A Storm

What?!? So this is "old hat" to the rest of you guys?

In all the years I've been eligible to vote, in all the places I've lived across these United States, up to now I'd never gotten a phone call asking for my opinions about presidential candidates' platforms, or how/where I came down on their stance on issues.

That's it, I was just wondering if anybody else got a call last night; mine was 7:40 pm from a pollster.


Dancing Up A Storm
Sharon said:
I'd have hung up in a nanosecond (if I'd have bothered to answer in the 1st place).
My curiosity got the best of me on this one. You see/hear about how so many polls are skewed by the wording, the sequence in which the questions are asked, I just wanted to see if I could detect any of that, and be able to say KMA, and hang up on them.

As far as I could tell, it was on the up and up; I answered the questions as honestly(really!) as I knew how, and was slightly satisfied that I might have helped our president, even if it was an insignificant number.

As I said, a first, but from now on, it'll be old hat! :lol:


Super Genius
That does bring up an interesting question about the validity of polls. Are they skewed at all by who answers and who hangs up. I.e. what if more Republicans hang up? That would skew the results.


Dancing Up A Storm
ylexot said:
That does bring up an interesting question about the validity of polls. Are they skewed at all by who answers and who hangs up. I.e. what if more Republicans hang up? That would skew the results.
Good question. I don't know much about how they would affect the results, but we do have some rather learned folks within these forum walls, who might lend an opinion or two!

Ya think?

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...if 'bullish' means one is happy about a given stock or equity and thus 'bearish' is the opposite and you, my dear are a Zogby 'poller', would it stand to reason that if you were not real big on the results of a given Zogby then we would classify you as...

A Poller Bear?



Dancing Up A Storm
Wild!! I got an unsigned "blue" karma - 10-26-04 "Damned Republicans"

That means a person with no power - who is a lefty liberal!

I wonder who that could have been? Anybody seen the cityflapjack, er, annoying gnat today?


Super Genius
Penn said:
Wild!! I got an unsigned "blue" karma - 10-26-04 "Damned Republicans"

That means a person with no power - who is a lefty liberal!

I wonder who that could have been? Anybody seen the cityflapjack, er, annoying gnat today?
Blue karma? You mean gray? I thought there was only green, red, and gray...

I get unsigned gray ones all the time.


Dancing Up A Storm
ylexot said:
Blue karma? You mean gray? I thought there was only green, red, and gray...

I get unsigned gray ones all the time.
Sorry, I should have said gray - my bad. :redface:

Look, it's :offtopic: , but I went downstairs for a sec, and just caught the tail end of a Fox News Alert: New evidence has surfaced that the involvement of highly seated UN officials and a highly placed French minister(no, Not a cleric), have been implicated in this Oil for Food corruption scandal - money going to Saddam, and not it's intended target, the poor.

Closing thoughts were that this new evidence could very well bring down Kofi Annan and French Pres. Cherac, causing their resignations


Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:

Are you getting that laundry done? :tap:
Yeah, according to the PM he sent me he is. He does have a question about stains on your unmentionables though, I told him to take it up with you. :lol:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
You making money today?

Then I'm getting the laundry done (#2 is home).

I'll ignore the vulgar comments from Mr. King but they're getting washed to.