It all sounds good RR, but my concern is with taxing the wealthy too much. I lived in England for a while, and they had a VAT there. Everything you buy has a VAT on it, even some unusualy things. For example, if you go to McDonalds and order a Big Mac meal to to eat there, there's no VAT. But if you get the meal to go, there's a VAT added. VATs are added to just about every product that a consumer buys and is paid either directly at the point of sale, or indirectly by paying VATs that are passed along through the production chain. So I guess I don't see much difference between a VAT and sales tax.
I'm also concerned about taxing the wealthy too much. The Brits have some of the highest taxes on wealth there, and as a result most of their wealthy have either moved to the US or have their money here. If you inflict a lot of higher taxes on the wealthy in the US, they aren't going to just open their checkbooks and start writing paper to Uncle Sam... they're going to move it offshore. When that happens we'll be like the Brits who have to pay more and more taxes to make up for the windfall from the rich that's never really materialized.