A Guide to a Happy Marriage


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
You know, I always scoffed at these silly things because I'm not terribly passive aggressive. I just couldn't relate to the whole "guess what I'm thinking?" thing nor did I ever have a problem if one of my husbands wanted to hang out with his buddies.

But the other night I watched my very first episode of The Bachelor and got to see Andi up close and personal, in her own words. She'd been chasing after this douche for however many weeks now, competing against a pack of other women for a guy who is fairly shallow and not terribly bright, and suddenly after an overnight date (??) she decides that he's just not the guy for her.

So she tells him this, and he goes, "Okay, that's fine," which pisses her off because...not sure why, I guess she was hoping he'd put up a fight or cry or something. But honestly, he's got two other honeys in the running and if Andi's going to be a bitch, well... Anyway, she spent the rest of the episode dogging him and being an ass instead of being relieved that her breakup went so well, or at least could have gone that way if it weren't for her wanting to pick a fight. She wasn't satisfied getting what she wanted. :lol:

So, yeah...women are just as loony as men. I probably knew this in theory already but Andi actually showed me.


Active Member
You know, I always scoffed at these silly things because I'm not terribly passive aggressive. I just couldn't relate to the whole "guess what I'm thinking?" thing nor did I ever have a problem if one of my husbands wanted to hang out with his buddies.

But the other night I watched my very first episode of The Bachelor and got to see Andi up close and personal, in her own words. She'd been chasing after this douche for however many weeks now, competing against a pack of other women for a guy who is fairly shallow and not terribly bright, and suddenly after an overnight date (??) she decides that he's just not the guy for her.

So she tells him this, and he goes, "Okay, that's fine," which pisses her off because...not sure why, I guess she was hoping he'd put up a fight or cry or something. But honestly, he's got two other honeys in the running and if Andi's going to be a bitch, well... Anyway, she spent the rest of the episode dogging him and being an ass instead of being relieved that her breakup went so well, or at least could have gone that way if it weren't for her wanting to pick a fight. She wasn't satisfied getting what she wanted. :lol:

So, yeah...women are just as loony as men. I probably knew this in theory already but Andi actually showed me.

Wouldn't have made for an interesting show, she just said "ok we're cool then", and got up to leave, and they had an hour to fill. They had to drag out the drama. I've watched most weeks and she's been one of the few women on the show with a few brain cells to rub together. It's been clear for weeks that she was too much for him to handle, intellectually. I can't wait for the "bash the bachelor" show next week.


Active Member
I'm trying to make a mental note to watch it but I'll probably forget. I saw the previews and it looks like a bunch of cast off women busting on the guy who dumped them.

Luckily, it's a work night for me and it's on one of the channels we can watch, so I'm a captive audience. :D