A headline you should never read


Active Member
Wow.. Soo for those of you who didn't read the story.. This dummy murdered his childs grandmother in 2000 and was sentenced to 30 years supposedly.. and some how he's out in 2024... and carrying a gun that he brandished to a woman who told a cop. He ran from them and fell 3 times.. This guy isn't too smart.. but i guess you can say that for most murderers. Just the possibility of the consequence of eternal hell should be reason enough to not take the chance with murder.. So I wonder if he's just so stupid.. or maybe he likes prison.. It kind of figures that if you're lazy and gay, you might like prison.. they should like remove the manhood of men who might use it in prison...


Power with Control
Wilson pled guilty to the reduced charge of second-degree murder in Cook’s death to avoid a life sentence or the death penalty for first degree murder.

So, I would love to know the deliberations that took place that made the DA offer this deal.