A Machine Gun Medley this May!


Mostly settled in...
Ad Free Experience
For an ROTC class project on unconventional warfare when I was at Norwich from 75 - 79, under the school's federal licensure, I built a working M-3 Greasegun, even made the magazine. I used plans I bought from an ad in Soldier of Fortune magazine.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
For an ROTC class project on unconventional warfare when I was at Norwich from 75 - 79, under the school's federal licensure, I built a working M-3 Greasegun, even made the magazine. I used plans I bought from an ad in Soldier of Fortune magazine.
Neat. Those blowback designs are so fundamentally simple..so few moving parts. M-3..SA26..PPS-43..and so on. Reliable as a hammer.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
SA...so similar...