A noisesome and grevous sore


New Member
Toxick said:
Another piece:

Revelation 16:2 And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image.


Near-future plans are for the world's population to be "chipped" for security reasons. This also promotes the "cashless society" where no one can buy or sell without verification of ID that is contained within the veri-chip unit embedded under the skin. This cannot happen until a One World Government System is in sufficient control to impose this into law. (few years away?)


dont be dumb
Why does the appearance of a unified humanity have to coincide with end of times revelation? Theres no timeline given, so maybe we'll "suffer" 1000 years of prosperity, colonize the stars, conquer death and sickness itself before any of this happens.
In the year 2525...... :larry:


New Member
CAPPY2609 said:
Why does the appearance of a unified humanity have to coincide with end of times revelation? Theres no timeline given, so maybe we'll "suffer" 1000 years of prosperity, colonize the stars, conquer death and sickness itself before any of this happens.
In the year 2525...... :larry:

Just that unification of humanity as a world-wide system was prophesied 2000 years before the 1948 United Nations Charter was implemented with that specific intent. Read the U.N. charter, it is an outline of things to come.

Hmmm- 1948, the year Israel became a nation once again. Another prophesy or just a coincidence?


CAPPY2609 said:
Why does the appearance of a unified humanity have to coincide with end of times revelation?

It doesn't have to coincide... in fact, some of us don't believe that we are living in the end times.

However, before the end times begins, a certain playing field has to be established. And what you refer to as a "unified humanity", and others refer to a "One World Government" is a significant part of that playing field.

Do I think it's a biblical sign of the approaching apocolypse? No. No more than the re-establishment of an Israeli state did. No more than the invention of the technology which has the potential for restricting or controlling or monitoring personal commerce does.


The groundwork is simply being laid. I believe - and hope - that it is long and long before the actual players come onto that field and begin their work.

And having said that, you are quite correct in this:

CAPPY2609 said:
Theres no timeline given, so maybe we'll "suffer" 1000 years of prosperity, colonize the stars, conquer death and sickness itself before any of this happens.

Let's hope we do have to "suffer" through that. I'm all for it.


New Member
Toxick said:
Do I think it's a biblical sign of the approaching apocolypse? No. No more than the re-establishment of an Israeli state did.

The Temple Mount Foundation in Jerusalem is headed by Gershon Solomon. He fought in the 1967 war, was wounded and nearly killed by the enemy. In his statement, Gershon says God revealed to him that he would play a role in helping establish the Third Temple of God. The architectural plans of the Temple have been drawn and the organization is awaiting the moment when it can be reconstructed according to Jewish prophecy. This will require a "peace plan" between the Arab Nations and Israel before it can be done. Many politicians and some religious leaders are presently working to present a viable "peace-pact" that can be accepted by both Jews and Arabs.

The "land for peace" negotiation is part of the unfolding of events, although many of the Jewish people are not happy with it. It is a political manuever that is also part of the prophetic step prior to the appearance of antichrist and the false prophet.

No need to worry about it - it's gonna happen as it should but in God's timing - not man's. That is why the peace talks have not been able to work yet.


Starman3000m said:
Many politicians and some religious leaders are presently working to present a viable "peace-pact" that can be accepted by both Jews and Arabs.

Peace pact or no, I cannot possibly imagine in any way, shape or form that the muslims are simply going to give up the Mosque of Omar so that it can be razed and replaced with a Jewish temple. I can't even see them yeilding enough to share their holy land.

I think something cataclysmic would have to happen to The Dome of the Rock, and when it does, that event will be followed by a period of ... "unrest".

Unimaginably savage, bloody, brutal unrest with enormous losses on both sides.


New Member
Toxick said:
Peace pact or no, I cannot possibly imagine in any way, shape or form that the muslims are simply going to give up the Mosque of Omar so that it can be razed and replaced with a Jewish temple. I can't even see them yeilding enough to share their holy land.

I think something cataclysmic would have to happen to The Dome of the Rock, and when it does, that event will be followed by a period of ... "unrest".

Unimaginably savage, bloody, brutal unrest with enormous losses on both sides.

Ahh, herein lies the unforseen solution. A few years ago, Jewish engineers studying the Temple Mount determined that the Mosque of Omar does not set precisely on the area where the original Temple's Holy of Holies area once stood. The land surveyors found that there is a section of the Temple Mount perimeter just off to the side of where the Mosque of Omar is currently constructed. (confirmed by satellite photos of the Temple Mount)

That means that the Jews (in a peace agreement with the Arabs) would still have the ability to construct a Temple of Worship which would be directly on the original site of the Holy of Holies - the most important part of the Jewish Temple.

Voila! The Muslims and Jews share the Temple Mount. The Mosque of Omar remains where it is and the Jews rebuild the Third Temple of God right next to it.

BTW: Present day Orthodox Jews now have the priests and priests' garments prepared as well as the sacrificial artifacts that are needed to re-institute Temple Worship. Just waiting for the peace-pact to occur.

Check out the Temple Mount Faithful's website and see how ready the Orthodox Jews are prepared for this to happen at anytime. Quite interesting and prophetic of what things need to occur in the end times.
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Starman3000m said:
Ahh, herein lies the unforseen solution. A few years ago, Jewish engineers studying the Temple Mount determined that the Mosque of Omar does not set precisely on the area where the original Temple's Holy of Holies area once stood.

:faint: I was unaware of that.

Does that website you link have specific information regarding this little tidbit? I'll be going to that site later when I get home.

Starman3000m said:
Check out the Temple Mount Faithful's website and see how ready the Orthodox Jews are prepared for this to happen at anytime. Quite interesting and prophetic of what things need to occur in the end times.



New Member
Toxick said:
:faint: I was unaware of that.

Does that website you link have specific information regarding this little tidbit? I'll be going to that site later when I get home.

I believe it does, but can't recall specifically where. I first learned of this back in 1992 when I attended a Messianic Jewish service and heard the speaker reveal these findings. Had photos of the Temple Mount and the specific area where the Holy of Holies had once been which was a short ways off to the side of the Mosque of Omar. (Enough area to construct another building)

Please read Gershon Solomon's info about his "mission" that he says was revealed to him by God while he was lying wounded in the battlefield during the 1967 war. Amazing story.


New Member
Correction on earlier info:
Here is a brief account about Gershon Salomon's injury and calling by God:

"Even as a child, Gershon Salomon knew that G-d was calling him to continue the work for the redemption of the people of Israel. Gershon was involved as a youth in the War of Independence. He was arrested at age 11 by the British Mandatory police. Later when he joined the IDF, he led a company in the Golan Heights. In 1958, in a battle with the Syrian Army, Mr. Salomon was injured accidently when, in the heat and confusion of battle, he was run over by a tank. Syrian soldiers are trained to shoot "again" any wounded Israeli soldiers. When they were about to shoot "again" Mr. Salomon, they all suddenly ran away. Later these Syrians soldiers reported to UN officers that they had seen thousands of angels around this IDF officer and had, therefore, fled. It was at this time that Mr. Salomon heard the voice of G-d speaking to him that He was not yet finished with him. Gershon Salomon understood this as a divine call to consecrate himself to the work of the Temple Mount."
