A People’s Guide to the Catholic League


Ubi bene ibi patria
"It takes some practice to get used to reading the Catholic League’s nauseatingly self-promoting, whiny press releases, but once repetition vaccinates you against the obnoxious professional victimhood of its patriarch Bill Donohue, you see that certain patterns start to emerge. One thing you notice is that even though the League’s mission statement identifies it as a “civil rights organization,” the League does not appear to have ever done anything that could even be mistaken for “civil rights” work at any point in its history. That document also explicitly informs us that the League is by Catholics, for Catholics, but none of its seven volunteer offices are in the most densely Catholic part of the nation: New England."

A People’s Guide to the Catholic League | Edger


The mighty Al-Sonsie!
:blahblah::blahblah::blahblah: Another lefty blog post, this one is anti-catholic, worthless crap don't waste your time clicking. Just more of the boy's night time mastubatory reading.


New Member
:blahblah::blahblah::blahblah: Another lefty blog post, this one is anti-catholic, worthless crap don't waste your time clicking. Just more of the boy's night time mastubatory reading.

Question for ya: Why don't you post your "blah blah another blog site" responses when it's the Rabid Righties doing it?

Selective Blindness, possibly?


Well-Known Member
Question for ya: Why don't you post your "blah blah another blog site" responses when it's the Rabid Righties doing it?

Selective Blindness, possibly?

What's with you lately? This, and the other recent post, where the poster included a FactCheck link, criticizing the left - they are voicing their opinions and linking to pages critical of the left, which is not only their right, but it's extremely normal for people to do.

Are you some kind of Fairness Doctrine aficionado, so that it should not only pertain to radio broadcasts - but *inidividual opinion* and web references?

I can see you like Fact Check. Good. Me too - it's the only one of such sites that even comes close to being "fair". But do you typically read the links critical of the left with the same eagerness as the ones critical of the right? If you honestly don't, can you reasonably expect others to do otherwise?

I do have to say one thing - not only is there nothing wrong with pointing out a failing on either side, but from my perspective, the ones critical of the left get MUCH LESS traction in the press unless they're particularly juicy and salient.


New Member
While I am a Catholic, I do think that the Catholic League goes a bit too far sometimes.
Bill Donahoe needs to restrict himself to the biggest issues, or prejudices, and not make mountains out of molehills.
Our society simultaneously demands sensitivities to ridiculous, perceived prejudices (just read this morning in my hometown paper that there is new uproar about a high school team name, which was already changed in '01 for being insensitive), and then for entertainment mocks religions, races and cultures, i.e. South Park.