A Picture can say a thousand words?


Catch Me If You Can!
Do you think Bush and the Rep. Comm. has a right to use the pic. of him on Air Force One looking out the window on 9\11 for raising money?

Is it making money off 9\11?

Or is it just showing his strength and just a pic.

If the pic. would have had a different date on the back, would it have made a difference?

Is dasc-hole blowing steam and tring his best to bring down the Bush Admin.?

Lets hear it!


Chairman of the Board
I saw something on this briefly on Hannity and Colmes (ok, I was flipping channels and saw Ann Coulter) (Best Homer Simpson voice ---- mmmmm --- Ann Coulter).

Would it be ok for the NYFD to raise money selling pics of that flag-raising?

It's a tempest in a teapot. In a week, people will forget all about it, and be onto something else. Sometimes I have to laugh when I go back through the news archives and find what little piece of "news" was being argued about. It seems important at the time, but it's pointless.


Catch Me If You Can!
I hear ya Frank. I think it is pretty pointless, but the news is going crazy over this. Just another unsucessful demo. blow out to bring Bush's popularity down!


Well, yeah it is probably being blown out of porportion. But don't kid yourself into thinking that the Rep's wouldn't do the same damn thing were Clinton to have attempted something like this.

The problem is that it is a REPUBLICAN fundraiser capitalizing on an AMERICAN crisis. It shouldn't be a partisan issue. I'm not really all that bound up about it but I can see an arguement against it.

My main concern is the rep's who are crying about the dem's condemnation of the situation who would be doing the same thing were the shoe on the other foot. In this case, polititians suck, not just dem's or rep's.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Is the picture deal any worse then the Bed and Breakfast that the Clintons ran during their time in the Whitehouse? Or like Frank suggested, will it be forgotten shortly?


Well only more questionable in its interpretation as a way to capitalize on tragedy. Unless the people staying in the Lincoln Bedroom were staying there because there was a photo of him the day he got shot, I dont' think capitolizing on a tragedy was the motive there.

Both underhanded politiking that will be outlawed (THANKFULLY) in six months? Yes.

But I think the issue here is the strong taboo that capitalizing on a nation's tragedy evokes. Whatever. This, as I said, will all be moot in 6 months when crap like this won't even be up for debate.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Jimmy, explain to me how using a photograph of Bush for fundraising purposes is capitalizing on a tragedy.


Well, the photo is from September 11th in Air Force One. Supposedly, he's on the phone with Dick Chaney.

The image of the "President at Work For America" as they describe it, envokes memories of that day and the faith that a nation put in that man on the phone.

Now, using that sentiment to raise money for your political party only seems a bit selfish and, yes, even a little capitalizing (if you read my post, I'm not necessarily saying that I PERSONALLY am offended by this; I can just see the arguement being made).

Once again, my issue with this is not that this pic is being sold; it's that it's being sold for a REPUBLICAN cause hoping to touch on an AMERICAN tragedy.

The $33 million could be better spent. That's my point.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Hmmm! But any pictures taken of FDR on that "Day of Infamy" weren't taking advantage of tragedy I'm sure!

This is one photo of GW taken on AF1 while he was on the phone.
If someone wasn't told it was taken Sept. 11 no one would even have a way of telling.

Had they been using a shot of him with the Firemen in NY, standing over the wreckage of the WTC or Pentagon I might agree but this is desparation on the part of the DNC.

Frank's right! It'll be forgotten in a week.


Chairman of the Board
It's still a tempest in a teapot.

Had it been a Democratic fundraiser in '62 with that famous shot of Kennedy quietly brooding over the Cuban missile crisis in the Oval Office - who cares? It's a picture of Bush, for pity's sake. Without a reference, it's just a picture of him, period.

If you wanted to "create" a picture of Clinton doing his job - what picture would you use? Or of Carter? Would you show the pic with him, Sadat, and Begin? Would that be a tragedy? A shot of him at Three Mile Island?

It really IS grasping at straws. In a week or two, only people who pathologically despise Bush will remember this.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Frank
If you wanted to "create" a picture of Clinton doing his job - what picture would you use?

How about one with Bubba on the phone and Monica's feet sticking out from under the desk?



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I still fail to see how showing the President working for America is capitalizing on a tragedy. Certainly the Republicans aren't going to use a photo of Bush, say, choking on a pretzel? Of course they're going to remind the public that it was a REPUBLICAN President that led us in those dark days. If anything, they're capitalizing on the Republican leadership, not the tragedy.

Pretend I'm stupid - explain to me in small words why that's a bad thing.

And speaking of capitalizing on a tragedy, how about CBS putting the Daniel Pearl footage on TV? How'd you like to be his wife or Mom and have to see him being tortured, begging for his life? That stuff makes me cry. I already sent my opinion to the CBS guys and encourage you all to do the same.
They have a link to a feedback form at the bottom of the page.

James D

This is Daschle just doing whatever he can to get a mike in is face, and some news agencys waiting for the Demo to say something, so they can put them on the air.


Catch Me If You Can!
I agree with you guys, the pic had nothing to do with making money off 9\11. If the pic had a different date on it, it won't matter. And he could have used the one with him and fire chief. I would like to see some hard facts on why this has to do with making money off 9\11.

Hell it could be worse, look what Gore did when he was running. He made them open that dame to take the one pic of him in a raft during a drought.


I simply don't think it should be sold and used as revenue for the republican party. Plain and simple.

The Clinton example, for those who obviously didn't understand, was just my way of saying that if the Dem's did it, it'd be in poor taste too (Kennedy was a better example).

Again, it will be moot in six months when the majority of the money that paid for that picture and got the fund raising up to $33 mil (soft money) will be illegal. So I don't really care that much about this issue. I can just see their side; I'm not saying they're right.


did no one notice that everything revolves around money in the end... what about all of the factories who worked extra hours to produce all of the flags and stickers after it all, and we still bought them... i understand that it was to show our support, but somewhere at the beginning of a line was a person thinking "wow, i can make some money if i sell something with a flag on it"


yea, who is tara anyways... he keeps talking about a war against tara... lol