A question to ask yourself this election.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
For undecided voters (and anyone who thinks John Kerry is fit for

Perhaps the most instructive question that can be asked regarding the
upcoming presidential election is this:
Given the chance, how would Saddam Hussein, Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi, Osama bin Laden, Kim Jong-Il, Mohammad Khatami, Moammar al-Ghadafi, Hu Jingtao, Jacques Chirac, Gerhard Schroeder and Kofi Annan vote?

A) George Bush
B) John Kerry

If you answered "B," put a big shiny star by your name.

Now -- for whom (and with whom) are YOU voting?

Adapted from the Federalist.com




What's the difference between the war in Iraq and the war in Vietnam?

Bush had a plan to get out of Vietnam.


Hey PrchJrkr - Back at you buddy - I read very well thank you. Please note the original was to undecideds and anyone who thinks John Kerry is fit for command. Therefore I was eligible to respond.


Dixie said:
Hey PrchJrkr - Back at you buddy - I read very well thank you. Please note the original was to undecideds and anyone who thinks John Kerry is fit for command. Therefore I was eligible to respond.


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
Pete said:

I don't think so Pete. TurnipCowCake writes on about a third grade level. Dixie seems a bit more educated in his/her writing skills.


Here's some information for you guys to digest. The "President of Russia" supports Bush, and the Shah of Iran is also hoping for a Bush win. -Not a sermon, just a thought :killingme


New Member
2ndAmendment said:
For undecided voters (and anyone who thinks John Kerry is fit for

Perhaps the most instructive question that can be asked regarding the
upcoming presidential election is this:
Given the chance, how would Saddam Hussein, Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi, Osama bin Laden, Kim Jong-Il, Mohammad Khatami, Moammar al-Ghadafi, Hu Jingtao, Jacques Chirac, Gerhard Schroeder and Kofi Annan vote?

A) George Bush
B) John Kerry

If you answered "B," put a big shiny star by your name.

Now -- for whom (and with whom) are YOU voting?

Adapted from the Federalist.com

I'll vote for Kerry and this is not even close to the most instructive question that can be asked.
Reminds me of the question, "how often do you beat your wife?..lol.


My vote is for Kerry also. I'm pretty sure with Kerry in office we wont have to live in fear because of people like Bin Laden. Bush has left too many stones unchecked. Kerry will hunt out the terrorists and kill them. He wont get distracted by invading nations that pose no threat to American security and safety. He also wont let Afghan warlords take over for our soldiers.



Active Member
UP, u stole my line

Just for clarification, I usually say Just a sermon, not a thought. I don't want people thinking that you are me. Thanks.


New Member
UrbanPancake said:
My vote is for Kerry also. I'm pretty sure with Kerry in office we wont have to live in fear because of people like Bin Laden. Bush has left too many stones unchecked. Kerry will hunt out the terrorists and kill them. He wont get distracted by invading nations that pose no threat to American security and safety. He also wont let Afghan warlords take over for our soldiers.


A reply from a veteran(and a friend) that is voting for Bush... BTW, This guys actually served his country....

"I was in Vietnam in 1968, so you can imagine how I feel about Kerry. I have stopped watching the news because I am sick of seeing his face on TV."


New Member
UrbanPancake said:
My vote is for Kerry also. I'm pretty sure with Kerry in office we wont have to live in fear because of people like Bin Laden. Bush has left too many stones unchecked. Kerry will hunt out the terrorists and kill them. He wont get distracted by invading nations that pose no threat to American security and safety. He also wont let Afghan warlords take over for our soldiers.


You sound like one of Kerry's responses at the debates.... Don't forget that Kerry wants to inspect every sea container as it enters the ports, increase the size of the military by adding two full divisions (4,000 persons) and double the size of the special forces.

AND he's going to do all this and provide tax releif for the middle class and keep the military all volunteer....

Oh... BTW I'm selling the Bay Bridge and the Washington Monument. Since you believe Kerry, you want to make me on offer on any of these fine pieces of property? :killingme


New Member
Cletus_Vandam said:
Kerry will have ASK permission from the U.N.first!!!! :loser:

Looking at Senator Kerry's words, I think that you couldn't be more wrong. What about "we will hunt the terrorists down and kill them" don't you understand? Maybe if you actually paid attention to both sides and didn't just accept the campaign rhetoric of President Bush and Vice-President Dick "There may be a chemical or nuclear attack on the cities of America" Cheney completely without thought, you would realize that.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
rraley said:
Looking at Senator Kerry's words, I think that you couldn't be more wrong. What about "we will hunt the terrorists down and kill them" don't you understand? Maybe if you actually paid attention to both sides and didn't just accept the campaign rhetoric of President Bush and Vice-President Dick "There may be a chemical or nuclear attack on the cities of America" Cheney completely without thought, you would realize that.
The same could be said about you, UP, and some others that spout the Dem line.


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
Cletus_Vandam said:
Kerry will have ASK permission from the U.N.first!!!! :loser:

rraley said:
Looking at Senator Kerry's words, I think that you couldn't be more wrong. What about "we will hunt the terrorists down and kill them" don't you understand?

Kerry's belief in working with allies runs so deep that he has maintained that the loss of American life can be better justified if it occurs in the course of a mission with international support.

NATO and the United Nations appear to be touchstones for the Democratic nominee, not just the troublesome hurdles that they appear to be to President Bush.

In Senate debates and media interviews over the years, John F. Kerry has repeatedly returned to three axioms on the use of military force: Win as much allied support as possible before going to war.


Kerry's allies?