A Ranger, SEAL, Delta Operator, Marine, Fighter Pilot & War


PREMO Member
A Ranger, SEAL, Delta Operator, Marine, Fighter Pilot & War College Grad Respond to ISIS’ Threats

3. Jonathan Gilliam – Former Navy SEAL, FBI Special Agent and Federal Air Marshal

Q: What kind of steps should the Armed Forces take when threats like this our made?

“There has been a decline in force protection and awareness. If you’re serving in the Armed forces what you think on a social media is really not something that you should be outwardly broadcasting, unless you have been discharged.
Military members are soft targets, they are not hard to find. The Department of Defense should stop reacting and already have in place force protection standards. It should be known that if you intrude into a military member’s home, they have the right to use deadly force.

5. Marty Skovlund Jr- Former Army Ranger and author of “Violence of Action: The Untold Stories of the 75th Ranger Regiment in The War On Terror”

Q: What do you think about the threat on military families. And being that you served as a Ranger, how do you feel about ISIS holding captive former Army Ranger Peter Kassig?

“I didn’t take much stock in what ISIS said. I’m not going to clutch my blanket. My Mom raised me to only fear God and that’s the way I am going to live my life. But at the same time I will keep my head on a swivel and always maintain situational awareness.
At some point you have to recognize that there is evil in the world. I don’t really care where in the world it’s happening, it shouldn’t stop. Despite all the reasons not to go there, I still would support a ground and air campaign. But only if there is a clear objective and an efficient economy of force. It’s a shame that we haven’t done it already.

6. Dale Comstock – Former Green Beret, Delta Force Operator and author of “American Badass“

Q: What are your thoughts on this current threat and the issue of ISIS?

We need to go in there and get the job done. ISIS doesn’t respect surgical strikes. They respect blunt trauma. When you level an entire village, that’s what they understand. They only understand the language of force. Don’t punch them in the nose, go in there with a baseball bat and take their head off with one swing.
They feel like we are not going to do anything to them. They are laughing at us. Go in there and crush them. We are the most efficient fighting force in the world. These guys fear us when we are on the ground. Show no mercy. Show them when you push our buttons, we are going to do some serious damage.”
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When this first came out about three weeks in a law enforcement bulletin, it hopefully woke up a lot of people, not so much in the military, but anybody who knows and loves someone and their families that is in the military.

As a reservist for 21 years (84 - 05), were were always undergoing training twice a year via lectures, videos, LEO's, etc., on how to make ourselves and families hard targets, and not soft ones. It is about time the general public wakes up.