This Space for Rent
I picked up on it last week a couple times, and today I heard Bob Graham doing it. They are answering questions on talking head shows (CNN, FOX, etc...) and they do something like what Bob Graham did... he was asked if it was Bush's or Tenet's fault on the bad intelligence being utilized. He then responds with, "Well, here is what happened. The Washington Post tells us... " WTF?!?! The Washington Post tells us the spin they spin and they validate what they are saying by returning to the Post?!
I have heard this several times in the past week. A Democrat answer with affirmative seeming proof of their attacks based on what the NYT, Post, or some other news place reported. Those places report the stuff the politicians say... and now they use it as if they are validated! I don't want my Senators and Representatives making their decisions and validating what they do based on what the newspapers tell them happened! I hope they are getting their own information from appropriate resources!
Also, Graham tries to argue about them being mislead and states that is because the public intelligence estimate which was released for public consumption did not include everything the classified intelligence estimate had (i.e. showed how there was some disagreement between agencies, etc...). He then goes on to say the classified was released x number of days to the Senators before the public version. So, you got the classified version right? So WTH is the difference if the public version wasn't the same? Oh, thats right. You make decisions based on public news and not your priviliged information!
I have heard this several times in the past week. A Democrat answer with affirmative seeming proof of their attacks based on what the NYT, Post, or some other news place reported. Those places report the stuff the politicians say... and now they use it as if they are validated! I don't want my Senators and Representatives making their decisions and validating what they do based on what the newspapers tell them happened! I hope they are getting their own information from appropriate resources!
Also, Graham tries to argue about them being mislead and states that is because the public intelligence estimate which was released for public consumption did not include everything the classified intelligence estimate had (i.e. showed how there was some disagreement between agencies, etc...). He then goes on to say the classified was released x number of days to the Senators before the public version. So, you got the classified version right? So WTH is the difference if the public version wasn't the same? Oh, thats right. You make decisions based on public news and not your priviliged information!