A-roid hits 600...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...one of 7 players all time and armies of sports reporters who are setting a new hi score for all time most sanctimonious asshattery are thus raising holy hell that this is tainted, that it needs an asterisk, that this whole era was bad because baseball ignored it, ya da ya da ya.

Call me a cynic but, who, exactly, would be expected to...report...on what is going on in THEIR profession at any given time?


Nothing to see here
...one of 7 players all time and armies of sports reporters who are setting a new hi score for all time most sanctimonious asshattery are thus raising holy hell that this is tainted, that it needs an asterisk, that this whole era was bad because baseball ignored it, ya da ya da ya.

Call me a cynic but, who, exactly, would be expected to...report...on what is going on in THEIR profession at any given time?


I would love a few of these reporters to be put under the same microscope and see how they fare. :moremarvalbert:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

I would love a few of these reporters to be put under the same microscope and see how they fare. :moremarvalbert:

If we're gonna do that, let's drug test politicians, weekly!

As for reporters, I'd be happy if they just did the job. They played along and now want to be self righteous like they are some sort of victims instead of having failed to do the job for the EXACT same reasons as players and owners.