A Single Issue Party


9/11 - Never Forget!
This story in the Times today really points out that the Democrat Party is oblivious to the Constitution. These female Senators state that Judge Roberts will be held to a single litmus test to determine his fitness to serve on the SCOTUS. Whether you believe in the availability of abortion on demand or not, the right is not in the Constitution. That is an issue that must be left to the ELECTED legislators who must answer to the voters. If these Senators feel so strongly about this issue, why haven't they introduced legislation that would establish that right and take the courts out of the equation except for ruling on the constitutionality of such a law? If there is the support among the voters that these Senators claim there is, such a bill would pass handily. Could it be that once again the Democrat Party is exposing their agenda to use the courts to make law that would not stand a chance if left up to elected representatives that answer to the people?


Asperger's Poster Child
Most feminist groups have consistently portrayed abortion as a reproductive rights issue. I think most Americans on both sides of the abortion issue don't see it that way. There are plenty of people who favor reproductive rights but who are opposed to abortion.


The Democrats are not a one-issue party... it's just that abortion is the least objectionable issue of their party. Can you imagine them grilling Roberts on:

The need for Gay marriages
The need for legalizing drugs
The need for no limits on lawsuits
The need to treat terrorists as criminals
The need to ban guns
The need to ban SUVs
The need to force Americans onto public transportation by forcing up the cost of gas
The need to support ineffective teachers and their unions
The need to support ineffective unions and their leaders

Abortion may not be pretty, but it's about the only plank they have where they can get somewhere near half of the population to agree with them.


New Member
Near Half?

Polls are BS and it depends on where they come from! I just googled the topic and could only find a few web sight's that the majority agreed with abortion!

Oh let me edit! I only found one!
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