A strange feeling


I’m having a strange twinging feeling at the base of my throat; what feels like just above my breast bone, or maybe about mid thyroid. I feel it mostly when I breathe in. I wouldn’t call it pain, although it is extremely uncomfortable. It feels almost like a spasm of some sort. It starts in the morning as soon as I wake up and I feel it throughout the day; then in the evening (around 5-ish) it subsides and goes away. I have no sore throat or sinus issues. No fever. No loss of appetite. BP is normal. No fever. No problems swallowing. It does not keep me up at night. Past doctors have told me I might have acid reflux, but I am not feeling any of those symptoms; but I am taking prilosec and it doesn’t seem to be doing anything.

I have been under quite a bit of stress for sometime and think it could be related to that; maybe something hormonal; but everything I read about thyroid, pituitary, adrenal, etc… says nothing about this symptom. Since this appears to be a phantom symptom I am concerned about tumors or other throat issues.

I did see my PM Doctor and have to wait a few days to get an appointment with ENT – which is really annoying – so I thought I’d post this to see if anyone else has had this and might provide some insight. Not looking for a diagnosis; just anyone that has had similar problems.
Stress - could be reflux. Take a Pepsid AC and see if the discomfort subsides, although the Prilosec should do it.


Stress - could be reflux. Take a Pepsid AC and see if the discomfort subsides, although the Prilosec should do it.

I've only been taking it for about 3 days now. Not sure how long it should take effect. I know a lot of drug takes several days or maybe longer than a week to take effect.

If it wasn't so stinking cold I'd be running.
I've only been taking it for about 3 days now. Not sure how long it should take effect. I know a lot of drug takes several days or maybe longer than a week to take effect.

If it wasn't so stinking cold I'd be running.

Reflux may have been going on for a long time and you didn't realize it. I had a pain in my chest which after ruling out heart and other stuff I had an endoscope done, found out I had been having reflux for a long time and didn't know it. Caused me to get Barretts Esophagus which can turn into cancer. That wasn't the cause of the pain however, that just sort of went away. Might have been stress related. Anyway something to consider. I am on Protonix though which helps the reflux.
Now that I've thought about it for a while, I remember the ex had something like this. It looked and acted like reflux. Treated it like reflux. Had to sleep pretty much sitting up, etc, etc...... Stress made it worse.

Turns out it was a form of arthritis, Ankylosing spondylitis.
Ankylosing spondylitis - PubMed Health

But instead of low back pain, it manifested as high chest discomfort feeling like reflux, but it was actually the rib joints.

There is a marker test to see if you have it.
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Now that I've thought about it for a while, I remember the ex had something like this. It looked and acted like reflux. Treated it like reflux. Had to sleep pretty much sitting up, etc, etc...... Stress made it worse.

Turns out it was a form of arthritis, Ankylosing spondylitis.
Ankylosing spondylitis - PubMed Health

But instead of low back pain, it manifested as high chest discomfort feeling like reflux, but it was actually the rib joints.

There is a marker test to see if you have it.

Hmm, my main Dr. kept saying musculerskelator or something like that. Might have been the same thing. I did have a cracked sternum once so it may have been that. In any case it's gone now, but found out in the process I have another thing I never knew existed.


Now that I've thought about it for a while, I remember the ex had something like this. It looked and acted like reflux. Treated it like reflux. Had to sleep pretty much sitting up, etc, etc...... Stress made it worse.

Turns out it was a form of arthritis, Ankylosing spondylitis.
Ankylosing spondylitis - PubMed Health

But instead of low back pain, it manifested as high chest discomfort feeling like reflux, but it was actually the rib joints.

There is a marker test to see if you have it.

Did she feel a twinge or spasm in the bottom or her throat when she breathed in? That's when I feel it most. Did it go away at any point of the day (in my case in the evenings)? Mine goes away every evening. I'm really not feeling this in my chest.

I'm also thinking it could just be drainage from my sinuses; perhaps allergies (which I've never really had a problem with). Even though I don't have the classic sore throat from that. But that would explain why I feel it first thing in the morning then throughout the day, then subsides as the evening comes.
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Well-Known Member
Hmm, my main Dr. kept saying musculerskelator or something like that.

Occurs when the Cartoon Network is on the TV and the remote won't change the channel when "He-Man" comes on, cuz the batteries are dead. The hand becomes clenched around the device.

Made myself laugh.....