A Tale of Two ####ies


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
first letter is a C
second letter is an O
third letter is a C
fourth letter is a K
and it is a bird story


New Member
i haven't read it yet but will in the am. I am a Tiel owner and i lover she is such a neat little bird. I am in a thread (the 10 tiels that need homes) thread and someone is going on about the name of the bird offending them b/c the forum blipped out the first four letters of the breed of the bird. So i hope you don't get bashed like i did "b/c we can't say D$#@" do people really not know that their are birds out there that are called C O C K A T E I L ' S???


Well-Known Member
Just so you know, this story is about atoos, not ateils. Most sure you will enjoy it. :smile:
MorganLover said:
i haven't read it yet but will in the am. I am a Tiel owner and i lover she is such a neat little bird. I am in a thread (the 10 tiels that need homes) thread and someone is going on about the name of the bird offending them b/c the forum blipped out the first four letters of the breed of the bird. So i hope you don't get bashed like i did "b/c we can't say D$#@" do people really not know that their are birds out there that are called C O C K A T E I L ' S???
Do you realize you are getting all bent out of shape at an automated word filter...:lol:


New Member
it isn't me getting bent out of shape it is someone on another thread. I realized that it was automated but somene is making it out to be a nasty work and that it offended them not me. :lmao: