A widow finds her lost husband


Surely you jest ...

This story a thread already, in fact I bumped it today. Its such a great story I hated to see it drop.

It Took This WWII Widow 68 Years to Find Out Her Missing Husband Had Been a Hero.(other title)



mama to two
That widow has a thing or two to say about CBS's handling of her story.

Oh wow. Interesting comments from the widow. So, even a story as wonderful as this one is politically biased. A good reminder of don't believe EVERYTHING you read and hear. It is also interesting that Sharyl Attkisson (investigative reporter) has recently resigned from CBS after 20 years because of repression she has experienced when trying to report the REAL news.


Surely you jest ...
That widow has a thing or two to say about CBS's handling of her story.

Hadn't seen this. Media and politics have to ruin everything...grrrr What was done is sop it seems. Shame this story was caught in the crossfire.
