Let me start out by saying, I really wanted to like this film. Great actors, award-winning classic children's story.
Should have been great - when I heard they were making this film, I bought the book for my daughter.
She agreed - book was a LOT better.
Oprah, Mindy, Reese - really just phoned in their roles. Frankly, with rare exception (Reese, near the beginning)
I could easily believe they shot their scenes alone in a studio. Like a lot of big budget films, they spent entirely too
much time showing scenery and effects as if to say - as many expensive films do - look how much money we spent
making the scenery.
They SHOULD have launched quickly into the story - as it does in the book - but spent way too much time
building up to it. And when it was over - your average viewer thought - what? That's it? I missed it.
Very disappointed. Unlike a lot of recent films in this genre, I'm unlikely to watch it again on TV.
No point.
Should have been great - when I heard they were making this film, I bought the book for my daughter.
She agreed - book was a LOT better.
Oprah, Mindy, Reese - really just phoned in their roles. Frankly, with rare exception (Reese, near the beginning)
I could easily believe they shot their scenes alone in a studio. Like a lot of big budget films, they spent entirely too
much time showing scenery and effects as if to say - as many expensive films do - look how much money we spent
making the scenery.
They SHOULD have launched quickly into the story - as it does in the book - but spent way too much time
building up to it. And when it was over - your average viewer thought - what? That's it? I missed it.
Very disappointed. Unlike a lot of recent films in this genre, I'm unlikely to watch it again on TV.
No point.