AAFB commissary


New Member
Does anyone know if it is really crazy at the AAFB commissary today? I'm tired of paying $3.99 each for milk and bread. And no, I don't want to buy the cheap bread.


New Member
Does anyone know if it is really crazy at the AAFB commissary today? I'm tired of paying $3.99 each for milk and bread. And no, I don't want to buy the cheap bread.

Pax commissary is open today and I'm pretty sure it'll be pack with eligible as well as "ineligible" patrons!


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
I retired from the Air Force in 2009 and haven't stepped foot in the AAFB commissary in at least 15 years. Too busy, to many retirees, to many "ineligibles" and not worth my time in traffic or gas from Mechanicsville or when I lived in Waldorf. :coffee:


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Can't be ineligible patrons. Got to have ID.

Need ID to purchase, not to get into the store. Nothing stops eligible patrons from bringing in ineligible family and friends to shop with you. It is a common abuse...