Abnormal Pap smear


New Member
This is bcm's wife. I just got a call from the gyn saying my pap was abnormal. I expected them to say come right back in,let's do another one...something. Instead,the nurse told me to follow up next year during my annual exam and to disregard it. She then said it was safe to ignore since 90% of cervical cancers are caused by HPV and mine was negative. So I said does that mean I sit on this and cross my fingers that I'm not that 10%? And she hesitated and then said it takes 5-7 years to change to cervical cancer and we'd still catch it in time. I want to trust they know what they are talking about but what the hell....I can't imagine knowing this and ignoring it for a year. Seems irresponsible. Anyone else had this happen? And was it handled this way?


The only time I had an abnorma pap, the doctor put me on antibiotics and then had me redo the pap about a month later - and it was ok then. The abnormal cells were caused by a pelvic infection. I don't think I would be able to let it go for a year. No way. You deserve peace of mind.

I would say it is time for a second opinion with a totally different team of doctors. Hugs. Hope everything works out for you.


New Member
I was thrown off and didn't ask the questions I wanted to during the call,so I just called them back and said I wanted to know specifically what the report showed,as in what sort of changes. At first they said it would have to wait until Monday but then offered to *try* to get someone to tell me today.


Well-Known Member
Who is your Dr? I am not sure I would be fine w/ the answer they gave you... Uh yea dont worry we will catch it in time :eyebrow:


New Member
Who is your Dr? I am not sure I would be fine w/ the answer they gave you... Uh yea dont worry we will catch it in time :eyebrow:

Well,they never called me back and closed their phone lines for the weekend. I actually drove all the way to Annapolis because I usually see Polko but they couldn't get me in any time soon,and it had been two years since my last pap so I wanted to get it done sooner than later. I went to Women's Gynecology,which is an all female practice right by AAMC. I really was surprised with their handling of it since I *loved* the n.p. I saw and she was so thorough. And yeah,with two children,I can't know about this and just ignore it for a year. Not sure who to see next - I am Wilkinson's pt. for primary care and I very much trust his opinion,and Polko as usual can't see me any time soon.


Well-Known Member
Well,they never called me back and closed their phone lines for the weekend. I actually drove all the way to Annapolis because I usually see Polko but they couldn't get me in any time soon,and it had been two years since my last pap so I wanted to get it done sooner than later. I went to Women's Gynecology,which is an all female practice right by AAMC. I really was surprised with their handling of it since I *loved* the n.p. I saw and she was so thorough. And yeah,with two children,I can't know about this and just ignore it for a year. Not sure who to see next - I am Wilkinson's pt. for primary care and I very much trust his opinion,and Polko as usual can't see me any time soon.

I would go w/ Polko for sure! I trust her 100%!!! I would explain your situation see if they cant get you in sooner. You could even possibly ask to get on list for cancellations. I would not go to anyone else then Polko. She is wonderful :yay:


New Member
I'm not crazy about Polko. I've used them for years because they are close by and there aren't many choices in the area. But they are so eager for business and constantly taking on new patients that they don't leave space in the schedule for current patients when they are having a problem.


Active Member
A shift in vaginal flora can cause an abnormal Pap result too. I would be in their Office Monday morning, and give them hell for telling you something like that, and then NOT returning your call. The probability is that the person who called you didn't know their butt from a hole in the ground either. It probably is nothing, but I would definitly follow up with the Doctor. If the result was that bad, they would have recomended you do a repeat in 3 months, or as mentioned earlier..medication would have been given, or worse case scenairio..you would have been told to come in right away. It's better safe, than sorry. The Doctor might call you after hours.


Well-Known Member
I'm not crazy about Polko. I've used them for years because they are close by and there aren't many choices in the area. But they are so eager for business and constantly taking on new patients that they don't leave space in the schedule for current patients when they are having a problem.

Wow I have found her to be nothing but thorough! I've never felt rushed at all. I am not so sure it is them being eager for business but just that she is so reccommended.


UnStAbLe YeT sAfE
I had one years ago, and they had me come back in a week later and retested. When it still came back with the cells they had me come in the next day and talked options. I tried Polko's office and was very displeased with the entire staff. I go to Tilley in Leonardtown, he's great at explaining everything and answering questions.


Luvin Life !!!
BCM'S wife. I do not know where you are located but I see Sara Johnson MD. She does it all so to speak. Her card says Internal Medicine & Pediatrics. She is located in the two story brick building in the Leonardtown shopping center. She has been wonderful with me and I have never had to wait for more than a day or two to get an appointment. She also does the gynecology as well and can set up your mammogram if needed depending on your age.

As far as a bad PAP I would definately get a second opinion. I had a bad one many years ago and ended up having to get a colposcopy with biopsy done. It all came back good though. Just has one with Dr. Johnson last month and all was good on that. If you need or would like the number PM me. Also I have never waited more than 15 minutes to be seen.


New Member
BCM'S wife. I do not know where you are located but I see Sara Johnson MD. She does it all so to speak. Her card says Internal Medicine & Pediatrics. She is located in the two story brick building in the Leonardtown shopping center. She has been wonderful with me and I have never had to wait for more than a day or two to get an appointment. She also does the gynecology as well and can set up your mammogram if needed depending on your age.

As far as a bad PAP I would definately get a second opinion. I had a bad one many years ago and ended up having to get a colposcopy with biopsy done. It all came back good though. Just has one with Dr. Johnson last month and all was good on that. If you need or would like the number PM me. Also I have never waited more than 15 minutes to be seen.

I appreciate the offer for her info,but I just googled and found it-isn't that a rarity on here?:killingme But if it isn't too personal a subject,I take it to mean since you had a bad pap and it came back fine that there can be reasons other than cervical cancer for this to have happened - would you mind sharing what it wound up being? I did some searching and saw that a few factors can contribute to this after reading your post and on thing I noted was that apparently having a pap done around a period can throw things off. Mine had ended just 2 days prior to the test being done and I was also sick with mild bronchitis - don't know if that would even be relevant.


New Member
I had one years ago, and they had me come back in a week later and retested. When it still came back with the cells they had me come in the next day and talked options. I tried Polko's office and was very displeased with the entire staff. I go to Tilley in Leonardtown, he's great at explaining everything and answering questions.

When it came back bad a second time,did it wind up being cancerous? And was Tilley the one who handled it? I used him for our second child many years ago and liked him - he was a little weird sometimes. I am 5'1" and a 38G bra and was breast feeding the baby and he walked in and says "Wow - now that's what I call feeding your face!"


wandering aimlessly
This may seem too personal of a question, but did you abstain from intercourse 24 hours before the test? Sex can actually mess up the results.


New Member
This may seem too personal of a question, but did you abstain from intercourse 24 hours before the test? Sex can actually mess up the results.

More like 7 days. Between my pms,period,and someone not EVER listening when I say take off your shoes in the living room.


Active Member
You could also try Dr. Polsky in Lexington Park. I usually don't have any issues with getting in to see him. I'd definitely be looking for a second opinion!


I would get a 2nd option. I had an abnormal pap last year and was refered to a GYN for a more indepth look. I saw Dr. Strider in Prince Frederick (I liked him, has an unusual sense of humor and puts you at ease). He ended up looking at my cervix during my inital exam, saw the area that was messed up. Next visit he froze the cells off and then did a follow up a month later and everything was fine.

Worse thing that could happen is you can have another pap and it comes out fine. If you wait a year, something that could be somewhat painless (freezing cells) could turn into something a little more in depth.


New Member
I would for sure call them and demand some specifics and then get a second opinion. "Abnormal" can mean a variety of things, but you SHOULD have answers to your questions. It seems to me that they are really narrowly focused on HPV now, and that is somewhat worrisome.

Read this
Abnormal Pap Smear : American Pregnancy Association

I'm sorry you've had to worry all weekend.


New Member
I would for sure call them and demand some specifics and then get a second opinion. "Abnormal" can mean a variety of things, but you SHOULD have answers to your questions. It seems to me that they are really narrowly focused on HPV now, and that is somewhat worrisome.

Read this
Abnormal Pap Smear : American Pregnancy Association

I'm sorry you've had to worry all weekend.

I definitely plan to call them first thing in the morning and let them know I want the result. If they give me any crap,I will simply ask will you fax it to my doctor? Then give them MY fax number and read the damn thing myself. I'm really upset over the way they handled this and what really gets me is that a lot of women would have trusted the doctor enough to say ok,I will just wait a year because they said to. Which sucks for the ones who needed follow up. Honestly at this point I am so worried over this and frustrated I would like to find a dr. who will go ahead and do a colposcopy whether they feel it is a must or not to put the issue to rest once and for all.