Abortion Issues


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Headline in home town (MD) newspaper. Senate hopeful makes abortion rights a priority MD already has some of the most relaxed abortion rules on the books. They are even setting up clinics so WV residents can come to MD for abortions.

That's all MD Democrats have. No talk of economy or illegal immigration. Abortion, abortion, abortion.


Well-Known Member
Although basically against abortion, I find it hard not to believe that we are not better off without the progeny of those who want to kill their children. Do we really want the products of unfit mothers filling our schools and taking up space?

Yes, that a pretty hard opinion, but think about it before responding.
Maybe we are better off without these unwanted children of people who see murder as their birth control.


Power with Control
Well, we'd be best off if they didn't get pregnant in the first place. But even with condoms and other birth control basically free for the taking, its not stopping.