About That Noah Film ........


PREMO Member
Ken Ham: The Unbiblical Noah Is a Fable of a Film

Leading creationist Ken Ham, who recently debated Bill Nye, says that the new blockbuster, starring Russell Crowe, is an insult to Christians: "Ultimately, there is barely a hint of biblical fidelity in this film. It is an unbiblical, pagan film from its start"

As a Creationist and also a believer in the historical account of Noah and the Flood, I agree with atheist Darren Aronofsky’s statement about his just-released film “Noah”: It is the “least biblical” of Bible-themed films. Any other agreement I have with the filmmaker’s take on the book of Genesis and its account of Noah ends right there. Further, I told a group of pastors earlier today that because I found “Noah” to be a boring 2½ hour movie, it may be the worst film I’ve ever seen.

Except for some of the names in the movie, like Noah, his sons’ names, and Methuselah, hardly any remnant of the Bible’s account of the Flood in Genesis 6-9 is recognizable. Yes, there is an Ark in the film that is true to the massive biblical proportions, but it did not look like a seaworthy vessel. There were many animals that came to Noah and went on board the Ark, but there were far too many creatures crammed inside and certainly many more than were needed. Also, while the extreme wickedness of man was depicted, the real sin displayed in the film was the people’s destruction of the earth. Lost within the film’s extreme environmentalist message is that the actual sins of the pre-Flood people were a rebellion against God and also man’s inhumanity to man.

Noah’s misanthropy is revealed many times in the film. For example, when the girlfriend of Noah’s son Ham is caught in a trap and is about to be overtaken by some marauders, Noah leaves the girl to die at their hands. The film’s Noah wants to totally destroy the human race and doesn’t want his sons to have children. In perhaps the most shocking part of the film, Noah plans to kill his unborn grandchild, the child of Shem’s wife, if it is a girl. As Noah values his animals on board more than people and rants about it, he becomes a psychopath. Hollywood’s Noah is not the righteous man described in Hebrews 11 and other scriptures.


Well-Known Member
It's going to lose lots of money, and that's what it deserves by making things up instead of following the real script.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
So, get some investors and do you own Noah film. I HATE films that get things wrong, especially intentionally but, Mel Gibson proved you could do a movie with more fealty to the original story(s).

Larry Gude

Strung Out
People will bitch and whine about anything, won't they?

I have no idea why all these right wings groups don't form movie studios and do their own propaganda. There is PLENTY of talent out there. Cable guarantees distribution. Lots and lots of writers and directors.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I have no idea why all these right wings groups don't form movie studios and do their own propaganda. There is PLENTY of talent out there. Cable guarantees distribution. Lots and lots of writers and directors.

And PLENTY of demand.

Rock music. Stryper has sold.....10 MILLION albums worldwide.


Happy Creepy Ass Cracka
I have no idea why all these right wings groups don't form movie studios and do their own propaganda. There is PLENTY of talent out there. Cable guarantees distribution. Lots and lots of writers and directors.

Been to the movies lately?


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
So, get some investors and do you own Noah film. I HATE films that get things wrong, especially intentionally but, Mel Gibson proved you could do a movie with more fealty to the original story(s).

Do you know what amazed me about "The Passion of the Christ"? There was SO - MUCH - controversy over a film whose script was almost to the letter the very same script used to depict the Passion in every church I have ever been to, around Easter time. Catholic churches, Protestant churches. SAME words.

It would have been like making a movie about a Catholic mass, and someone complaining about how terrible it was - probably just before going to a Catholic mass anyway. How do you get controversy over something that's been done the world over a million times?

Seriously - although the imagery was astonishing, and the visual depiction of Mary agonizing over her boy growing up to be killed - the WORDS I already knew from beginning to end. Word for word. It was the Passion play, the one that's been done for hundreds of years.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Do you know what amazed me about "The Passion of the Christ"? There was SO - MUCH - controversy over a film whose script was almost to the letter the very same script used to depict the Passion in every church I have ever been to, around Easter time. Catholic churches, Protestant churches. SAME words.

It would have been like making a movie about a Catholic mass, and someone complaining about how terrible it was - probably just before going to a Catholic mass anyway. How do you get controversy over something that's been done the world over a million times?

Seriously - although the imagery was astonishing, and the visual depiction of Mary agonizing over her boy growing up to be killed - the WORDS I already knew from beginning to end. Word for word. It was the Passion play, the one that's been done for hundreds of years.

That's why it was so popular for Christians, it's what we were taught as kids. And that's why it's hated by people who hate Christianity.
Ken Ham: The Unbiblical Noah Is a Fable of a Film

Leading creationist Ken Ham, who recently debated Bill Nye, says that the new blockbuster, starring Russell Crowe, is an insult to Christians: "Ultimately, there is barely a hint of biblical fidelity in this film. It is an unbiblical, pagan film from its start"

As a Creationist and also a believer in the historical account of Noah and the Flood, I agree with atheist Darren Aronofsky’s statement about his just-released film “Noah”: It is the “least biblical” of Bible-themed films. Any other agreement I have with the filmmaker’s take on the book of Genesis and its account of Noah ends right there. Further, I told a group of pastors earlier today that because I found “Noah” to be a boring 2½ hour movie, it may be the worst film I’ve ever seen.

Except for some of the names in the movie, like Noah, his sons’ names, and Methuselah, hardly any remnant of the Bible’s account of the Flood in Genesis 6-9 is recognizable. Yes, there is an Ark in the film that is true to the massive biblical proportions, but it did not look like a seaworthy vessel. There were many animals that came to Noah and went on board the Ark, but there were far too many creatures crammed inside and certainly many more than were needed. Also, while the extreme wickedness of man was depicted, the real sin displayed in the film was the people’s destruction of the earth. Lost within the film’s extreme environmentalist message is that the actual sins of the pre-Flood people were a rebellion against God and also man’s inhumanity to man.

Noah’s misanthropy is revealed many times in the film. For example, when the girlfriend of Noah’s son Ham is caught in a trap and is about to be overtaken by some marauders, Noah leaves the girl to die at their hands. The film’s Noah wants to totally destroy the human race and doesn’t want his sons to have children. In perhaps the most shocking part of the film, Noah plans to kill his unborn grandchild, the child of Shem’s wife, if it is a girl. As Noah values his animals on board more than people and rants about it, he becomes a psychopath. Hollywood’s Noah is not the righteous man described in Hebrews 11 and other scriptures.

Yes, but look at the bright side, he could have sold his daughter into sexual slavery but didn't...

Exodus 21:7-11
New International Version (NIV)
7 “If a man sells his daughter as a servant, she is not to go free as male servants do. 8 If she does not please the master who has selected her for himself,[a] he must let her be redeemed. He has no right to sell her to foreigners, because he has broken faith with her. 9 If he selects her for his son, he must grant her the rights of a daughter. 10 If he marries another woman, he must not deprive the first one of her food, clothing and marital rights. 11 If he does not provide her with these three things, she is to go free, without any payment of money.


Well-Known Member
Do you know what amazed me about "The Passion of the Christ"? There was SO - MUCH - controversy over a film whose script was almost to the letter the very same script used to depict the Passion in every church I have ever been to, around Easter time. Catholic churches, Protestant churches. SAME words.

It would have been like making a movie about a Catholic mass, and someone complaining about how terrible it was - probably just before going to a Catholic mass anyway. How do you get controversy over something that's been done the world over a million times?

Seriously - although the imagery was astonishing, and the visual depiction of Mary agonizing over her boy growing up to be killed - the WORDS I already knew from beginning to end. Word for word. It was the Passion play, the one that's been done for hundreds of years.

Amen. Just follow the original script and you can't go wrong.
It's going to lose lots of money, and that's what it deserves by making things up instead of following the real script.

The old testament is chocked full of references of men selling their woman into slavery, giving them away for sex, permission to kill others, and God ordering genocide on divine command, etc, etc. ...Maybe Hollywood didn't follow the exact script but they seem not to have Noah acting any differently than other men of the old testament...
Genesis 19:8
New International Version (NIV)
8 Look, I have two daughters who have never slept with a man. Let me bring them out to you, and you can do what you like with them. But don’t do anything to these men, for they have come under the protection of my roof.”


Happy Creepy Ass Cracka
Lone survivor; crap
White House down; crap
Fast and Furious 57; mindless entertainment
Olympus has fallen; 1/2 crap
Argo; fascinating

Is there a point?

Maybe you should look for more independents.