About Those BioLABS


PREMO Member

One DOD program was called the “Pathogen Asset Control System,” which included military contractor Black & Veatch’s ‘Special Projects Group,’ just as the Russians have been alleging since February, and which corporate media has been denying and gaslighting everybody about.

Mentioned in the list of diseases that Black & Veatch contractors recently trained Ukrainian providers on were pig diseases, avian diseases, tuberculosis, and brucellosis.

Avian diseases. Seems like the Ukrainians have been researching bird diseases after all, just like the Russians have claimed, a claim mercilessly mocked by corporate media and Ukraine defenders. “Haha, birds as disease vectors!”

Not so haha, apparently.

One of the places Black & Veatch provided services for DOD in 2019 was the “Institute of Experimental and Clinical Veterinary Medicine of the National Academy Agrarian Sciences (NAAS) of the Ukraine.”

Veterinary and agrarian medicine. So the DOD is paying a US military contractor to help Ukrainian veterinarians and farmers. Uh huh. But it does make sense to study animal diseases if you want to re-engineer animal viruses to crossover to humans. Now that I think about it, coronavirus is an engineered animal-crossover virus.

Probably just a coincidence! Don’t cancel me.



Well-Known Member
Supporting research in other countries that are too dangerous to research here..

I suppose the Naïve supporters believe that if this research is turned into a bio weapon it will never be used here.
Well Covid should stop that thought.

Scientists.-------They believe if something can be done it should be done. Like cutting off a man's dick and making him a woman. Or breeding human DNA into animals.
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Well-Known Member
In those same biolabs that this regime and the mainstream media (but I repeat myself) told us didn't exist, and that we were crazy conspiracy theorists terrorists who want to overthrow the Government? Those biolabs?


Well-Known Member
At the begining of the so called war in the Ukraine we were told about bio-labs there the Gov' denied then later on they said the USA was funding those labs but the USA was not doing any work which we all know is BS!
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PREMO Member
🔥 Surprise, surprise, surprise! Those pesky biolabs are just popping up everywhere you look these days. But before I start on the report, let me set the table for you.

Remember all the news lately from Sudan? The country that just tried to give Russia a Red Sea naval base but then suffered a sudden and unexpected color revolution? The one that is conveniently-located in the near Middle East, directly south from Egypt, caddy-corner across the pond from Israel? You remember Sudan, where we just helicoptered all our embassy staff out in another embarrassing “tail between our legs” evacuation? You know, the African country that looks for all the world like the next convenient candidate to replace Ukraine in the Proxy War?

THAT Sudan. Now you remember! And you’re probably starting to suspect that you know where this story is going, don’t you?

Reuters ran a story yesterday headlined, “‘High Bio-Hazard Risk’ in Sudan After Laboratory Seized, WHO Says.”

My goodness. Another third-world, US-controlled biolab. What are the odds?

The World Health Organization said Tuesday that unidentified “fighters” in conflict-ravaged Sudan had occupied a government-owned biological laboratory:

There is a “high risk of biological hazard” in Sudan’s capital Khartoum after one of the warring parties seized a laboratory holding measles and cholera pathogens and other hazardous materials, the World Health Organization said on Tuesday.

Huh. “Other hazardous materials.” I wonder what they could be?

Laura Ingraham covered the story, and the Chyron asked the obvious question:

The reporter Laura interviewed explained why on Earth anyone in their right mind would build a high-tech biolab researching deadly pathogens in a country with no oversight and even less security. Well, that’s the point:

“There’s generally less red tape, compared to labs in the West… the lab works with the W.H.O., whose largest funding comes from the US Government. That’s a data point worth keeping an eye on, especially if it comes out later that some of the lab’s work was… um … non-scientific in its application.”
Non-scientific? Nice euphemism. I guess “non-scientific” means “military.”

You know me, I did a little poking around to see if I could find any tell-tales of gain-of-function lab leaks. And guess what? Turn out that for some reason, in 2017, a Harvard researcher accused the W.H.O. of covering up a massive cholera outbreak in Sudan:

Weird! It’s just a conspiracy theory, but the facts match what would have happened if the W.H.O.’s lab, tinkering with cholera, accidentally (on purpose) leaked some and then cleaned it up.

Sorry, Sudan! (Not sorry.)



PREMO Member