ACA Preventive health services for children


Ubi bene ibi patria
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"Most health plans must cover a set of preventive health services for children at no cost when delivered by an in-network provider. This includes Marketplace and Medicaid coverage.

Coverage for children’s preventive health services

All Marketplace health plans and many other plans must cover the following list of preventive services for children without charging you a copayment or coinsurance. This is true even if you haven’t met your yearly deductible. "

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Americans told President Obama in 2012, "If you like your popularity, you can keep it."

We lied.

Well, at least we didn't tell him the whole truth. What we meant to say was that Obama could keep the support of a majority of Americans unless he broke our trust. Throughout his first term, even as his job-approval rating cycled up and down, one thing remained constant: Polls showed that most Americans trusted Obama.

The Benghazi attack, the seizure of telephone records from the Associated Press, the IRS's investigations of political groups, the National Security Agency's massive domestic-spying operation, the "red line" in Syria, and now Obamacare—the White House responded to every controversy or quasi-scandal with changing explanations, distortion, or outright deception.

Predictably, the public is starting to doubt the word of the president and his team—even as majorities still approve of many of his policies. Obama is dangerously close to following Bush into one of the darkest corners of the American presidency, when the public stops listening to its chief executive.

Is that in the ACA, too? How would one know?