Accident 235 and Hermanville

Dye Tied

Garden Variety Gnome


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Power with Control
NB Truck turns left in front of oncoming SB car, which he didnt see becasue of folks waiting to turn left?
Another vehicle on it's side. I am in awe at how many rollovers there are around here. It's like someone thinks, "Well, I'm gonna have an accident anyway, so let's make it more impressive!"


Sweet and Innocent
Eh, that's why I go on RT. 5 from Hermanville Road, and then turn on the Willows Road onto Great Mills Road to get to RT. 235 instead of going straight up on Hermanville Road to get on RT. 235. Way too many accidents at that light especially during the rush hours.

In year of 2000, I was at the red light waiting to turn left onto RT. 235 to go to work in the morning, and a truck behind me rammed into me at the light, and he took off. I wasn't able to get the insurance information to get my car fix.


Lem Putt
Who remembers how many crashes there were there before the light went in?

A co-worker was crashed there just before the light went in. We called it the L.. H... Memorial Light.


Well-Known Member
Heard there was another accident this morning at Hermanville intersection, about 6am, two ladies, one banged up pretty bad, airbags deployed.


Power with Control
Yep, saw that, hard to tell who did what from what I saw. Kudos to the troopers for not blocking 5 down to one lane, and allowing SB traffic to keep moving.


Yep, saw that, hard to tell who did what from what I saw. Kudos to the troopers for not blocking 5 down to one lane, and allowing SB traffic to keep moving.

That intersection is a pretty bad area. Not sure why. I'm surprised SHA hasn't put a light in there. I think we have too many lights as it is. But, some areas just need attention.


Power with Control
The sightlines are horrible, and people just assume whoever is coming is going to slow down. I an forever surprised at how people pull out from there into the SB lanes, and think that it's okay to jump in front of a car going 50mph at 20mph.