Accident Rt.231?


New Member
poster said: was able to get through. No apparent reason for backup.

when I went through about 8ish there was a fender bender (or so it appeared) cars were on side of road, glass in roadway.


poster said:
Any body hear about - traffic is backed up Calvert side before bridge.

I went through at about 9:30 this morning and they were doing shoulder work and had one lane closed, sat for a few minutes but it wasn't a long time. Speedy you heard the sirens because someone saw the back up and assumed there was an accident and called the police but the police didn't find anything exceot for the construction going on.


I wish they had webcams on these bridges.

In fact, I wish they had webcams all over. Up and down 235, 234, 5, 2&4, Town centers (Lusby, Leonardtown, Lex Park).

I guess too many people would start squealing about invasion of privacy (in highly public areas) though.