

Active Member
My daughter has been fully day time potty trained since June--no accidents, no need for reminders, etc. Well for the past week or so she has been having like an accident a day where she will just go on the floor or whatever.

Is it normal for a child to regress like this? I mean if it is a phase and I just need to start reminding her for a while it is no big deal but could there be something wrong? I guess I am just looking for reassurance that it happens and how you would react to it.


Yes, it is normal to have regression. Stressful situation/family crisis can cause regression, too.
I might ask how old your daughter is?
Many time parents 'train' children before they are ready, usually around 2 y/o. The child is responding to cues from the parent and not really able to understand their own body cues. So they regress. But all is not lost, they will eventually get it.
Every child works on their own schedule.
I potty trained at 3 for all 3 children (2 boys/1 girl), they all got it within 1-3 weeks. Piece of cake and NO bed wetting. But all kids are different.
Don't give up!


New Member
My sister teaches kindergarden and keeps girls and boys undies in her desk because she said it's very common for the kids to have accidents.
I wouldn't worry about it. If it continues I'd have her checked for a urinary track infection which is very common in young girls who maybe "wipe" the wrong way.