Actor Wesley Snipes has been named as the abusive ex of actress Halle Berry


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Los Angeles, CA Jan. 16, 2004 — Actor Wesley Snipes has been named as the abusive ex of actress Halle Berry who struck her so hard that she lost most of the hearing in her right ear.
R&B singer Christopher Williams, Berry's former flame, made the startling accusation in an attempt to clear his own name.

Williams says he was tired of being accused of delivering the blow to Berry's ear.

Halle Berry recently split with her husband Eric Benet

It's OK
Judge points out that women like to get smacked around.


I kind of agree with that judge's assumption in regards to Halle Berry. That woman's a certifiable nut job. She's been married how many times??? And everytime it's the guy's fault for everything that went wrong. Either she's the worst picker of mates there is, or it's not the guys who have the problem. I also heard Howie Mandel talking about how she acted on the set of his show, shortly after her hit-and-run episode, and he had asked her about it off-stage. She went in a tantraum worse that a 2-yr old's.

Too bad she couldn't lose most of her ability to speak.