Acute Sinusitis...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...I don't get sick very often. Been 6, 7 years now since I've even had a cold. But, I'm sick now.

As a PSA, pay attention to these symptoms because I spent a week in misery thinking I wasn't.

It started Saturday the 19th of March, a pain in my neck I thought was from sitting awkwardly through a play for 3 hours the previous evening. Three big guys in a row in a theater leads to a lot of...compromise in how one would prefer to splay about.

So, by Saturday night, I can't move my neck in any direction and any attempt to gives a icy shot of serious pain. This goes on for most of a week, moving up one side, that tendon in the back left that hols your noggin to your neck, across my head, down the other tendon. I never take anything for pain except the occasional aspirin. I was eating Aleve, something I'd never even tried, 2 at a time and every 6 hours.

It all feels like a pinched nerve to me, something to be treated with heat pad, ice, aspirin and just wait it out. Like back flare ups or any stiff neck I'd had dozens of times before. But, this was lasting longer and a LOT more uncomfortable.

Any way, This past Thursday night, it explodes in my sinus's, yuck, runny, gooey, mess with a near complete reduction of the acute neck pain; a fair trade off at that point but, now I know it ain't no pinched nerve. Saturday wasn't too bad, even went for a ride but, through this all, my head was in a fog, even before the sinus bit. Sunday, I start to feel it in my chest. That's it.

Saw doc yesterday, told her the story, she says it's not unusual to feel like it's just some neck pain when it's actually the beginnings of an infection which is why I wanted to share my story.

In any event, got some pills and on the mend. Just be aware of that pain in the neck, folks.

...I don't get sick very often. Been 6, 7 years now since I've even had a cold. But, I'm sick now.

As a PSA, pay attention to these symptoms because I spent a week in misery thinking I wasn't.

It started Saturday the 19th of March, a pain in my neck I thought was from sitting awkwardly through a play for 3 hours the previous evening. Three big guys in a row in a theater leads to a lot of...compromise in how one would prefer to splay about.

So, by Saturday night, I can't move my neck in any direction and any attempt to gives a icy shot of serious pain. This goes on for most of a week, moving up one side, that tendon in the back left that hols your noggin to your neck, across my head, down the other tendon. I never take anything for pain except the occasional aspirin. I was eating Aleve, something I'd never even tried, 2 at a time and every 6 hours.

It all feels like a pinched nerve to me, something to be treated with heat pad, ice, aspirin and just wait it out. Like back flare ups or any stiff neck I'd had dozens of times before. But, this was lasting longer and a LOT more uncomfortable.

Any way, This past Thursday night, it explodes in my sinus's, yuck, runny, gooey, mess with a near complete reduction of the acute neck pain; a fair trade off at that point but, now I know it ain't no pinched nerve. Saturday wasn't too bad, even went for a ride but, through this all, my head was in a fog, even before the sinus bit. Sunday, I start to feel it in my chest. That's it.

Saw doc yesterday, told her the story, she says it's not unusual to feel like it's just some neck pain when it's actually the beginnings of an infection which is why I wanted to share my story.

In any event, got some pills and on the mend. Just be aware of that pain in the neck, folks.


Never had it come on like that. The few times I got it it started my just feeling sort of crummy and then in a few days my head felt stuffed up and sounded like a watermelon when I thumped it. This is a check I do. :lol: Then the pain and usual suffering. I didn't even know there was such a thing as a sinus infection until I moved here.


Never had it come on like that. The few times I got it it started my just feeling sort of crummy and then in a few days my head felt stuffed up and sounded like a watermelon when I thumped it. This is a check I do. :lol: Then the pain and usual suffering. I didn't even know there was such a thing as a sinus infection until I moved here.
Some folks have never had allergy problems until they move to Maryland. Over 20 years of flying in the Navy, I've had more sinus infections then I can count. It's just part of the job. :shrug:
Some folks have never had allergy problems until they move to Maryland. Over 20 years of flying in the Navy, I've had more sinus infections then I can count. It's just part of the job. :shrug:

Oh yeah. I found out what allergies were too. Not that bad for me just a bit annoying.


not impressed
...I don't get sick very often. Been 6, 7 years now since I've even had a cold. But, I'm sick now.

As a PSA, pay attention to these symptoms because I spent a week in misery thinking I wasn't.

It started Saturday the 19th of March, a pain in my neck I thought was from sitting awkwardly through a play for 3 hours the previous evening. Three big guys in a row in a theater leads to a lot of...compromise in how one would prefer to splay about.

So, by Saturday night, I can't move my neck in any direction and any attempt to gives a icy shot of serious pain. This goes on for most of a week, moving up one side, that tendon in the back left that hols your noggin to your neck, across my head, down the other tendon. I never take anything for pain except the occasional aspirin. I was eating Aleve, something I'd never even tried, 2 at a time and every 6 hours.

It all feels like a pinched nerve to me, something to be treated with heat pad, ice, aspirin and just wait it out. Like back flare ups or any stiff neck I'd had dozens of times before. But, this was lasting longer and a LOT more uncomfortable.

Any way, This past Thursday night, it explodes in my sinus's, yuck, runny, gooey, mess with a near complete reduction of the acute neck pain; a fair trade off at that point but, now I know it ain't no pinched nerve. Saturday wasn't too bad, even went for a ride but, through this all, my head was in a fog, even before the sinus bit. Sunday, I start to feel it in my chest. That's it.

Saw doc yesterday, told her the story, she says it's not unusual to feel like it's just some neck pain when it's actually the beginnings of an infection which is why I wanted to share my story.

In any event, got some pills and on the mend. Just be aware of that pain in the neck, folks.


Wow same thing here as well. Woke up Saturday and couldn't move my neck without a lot of pain. Figured I just slept wrong but 24 hours later I had a sore throat and then the cough came on.