Adopt a pet


New Member
Im looking to adopt a dog. I figured it would be cheaper than going to a pet store or purchasing one from a private owner. Anyone know if the dog pound would be a good option or will I bring home four feet of trouble?


Event: Pet Adoption Day
Location: 26433 Loveville Road
Time: 10 AM Duration: 03:00
Author: Justine Whitaker
Event Description:
St. Mary's Animal Welfare League will be hosting a Pet Adoption Day - Cats, Kittens and Dogs available for adoption. For more information or for directions to the property, please call 301-373-5659. To see some of our pets available for adoption go to


Skiing in the clouds
I am looking for a good home for a 8 year old Cockatiel. Big cage, playpen and travel cage included.
Anyone intrested?


New Member
The Animal shelter is very good, all animals are checked over and over again to make sure they have no quarks in thier personalities, and there's the feeling of makeing a difference you get when you bring the baby home. There also is the Well Pet Clinic in Lex.Park. They have adoptions every Saturday at 11am, they are all foster pets and thier Foster owners are on hand to answer any questions you will have about how they act in a home.


New Member
please see this link this is where pet store puppies come from as someone suggested is a great place to adopt! please be sure you are ready for at least 15 yrs of commitment, pets are NOT disposable because of moving, new baby, too big etc... they should be a family member. shelter and pound puppies are great pets, no dog bred is better than another. good luck on adopting!

forever jewel

Green Eyed Lady
duzzey said:
Im looking to adopt a dog. I figured it would be cheaper than going to a pet store or purchasing one from a private owner. Anyone know if the dog pound would be a good option or will I bring home four feet of trouble?

My first two dogs were both pound puppies and honestly, the best dogs I've ever had! The animal shelter has a fine selection of animals to choose from!!! Let us know when you get one :huggy: Of course, we'll want pics!!!


I would recommend going to charles/ St. mary's or Calvert county humane society and look around and see what they have also Tri county Animal Shelter is great also. If you dont see what you are looking for they will put your name on a list and call you when they get something in that is close to what you want. I have adopted all my animals and absolutely love them to death. The first few days are hard getting them used to a new place and learning YOUR rules, but then they always are happy to see you when you come home and never ever will they leave the seat up after they pee, or take the car out and leave it empty, leave their underwear on the floor, or forget to take out the trash - they never have a bad day and take it out on you.