This is from Pedigree - if you adopt from a shelter you submit a form and get free food for a month...
Good deal if you ask me!
That is a great deal!!! I like the way Pedigree pushes the animal shelter issues and helping out!! BTW, do you ever get animal supplies at the Southern States and if so do they accept feed bag labels from you since you are a rescue? For horse rescues, each label use to be worth .25 cents per label. I save them and just gave away about $300 worth to a horse rescue.
hmm... I don't normally get much there but I'll check it out next time I'm there (good to know).
This is from Pedigree - if you adopt from a shelter you submit a form and get free food for a month...
Good deal if you ask me!
All requests must be received by Feb. 09. Doesn't say year?
Good for all adopted in 08 - (2008). Must have requests in by Feb. 09(2009). Not very clear but still a great deal.