Adrian Petersen is not only fast on the field...


They're out to get us
what, you've never driven over 100 MPH on an empty highway before out of boredom? :shrug:


Supper's Ready

Vikings coach Brad Childress downplayed any concern about Peterson's alleged high-speed driving.

"I don't know. I'd stay out of the police industry, if that in fact is true," said Childress, who added, "You got to take care of yourself. You can't put yourself in harm's way."

Childress acknowledged that Peterson was late to the hotel Saturday, but the coach declined to discuss the possibility of any punishment.

"He was there shortly thereafter, and as we do with everything that's in-house stuff," the coach said.

Never mind the possibility of putting someone else in harm's way (if it's proven to be true). I'm guessing this one will go under the rug, though.