Adults with ADD


New Member
Anyone on the board have it? what were your symptoms and did meds help? Especially if you found out late in life, did meds help?


Anyone on the board have it? what were your symptoms and did meds help? Especially if you found out late in life, did meds help?

I took a test that I am taking to my doctor. It said I had a high potential of having ADD. It surprised the heck out of me! I have been diagnosed with Bipolar all my life now I am wondering if it wasn't just ADD and depression instead of being Bipolar. :shrug: But I am going to take this test into my doctor. I cannot remember the name of the website to save my life because I took the test a long time ago and had forgotten to take it in all this time. :doh:

My best friend was also diagnosed recently with adult ADD and they put her on Concerta and she says it's like having herself back again like she was when she was younger. She says she feels more alive and better than ever and she is on the lowest dose. But I think this is going to be like anything else. I think that it is going to be different for every individual. But good luck, and I'm glad you know now. A lot can start making since again, and you are going to feel ever so much better! :huggy:


What now?!
You might want to check out this book, "You Mean I'm Not Lazy, Stupid, or Crazy," by Kate Kelly and Peggy Ramundo. It explains a lot.


Well-Known Member
You might want to check out this book, "You Mean I'm Not Lazy, Stupid, or Crazy," by Kate Kelly and Peggy Ramundo. It explains a lot.

Also, pick-up "Driven to Distraction", recognizing and coping with ADD from Childhood through Adulthood... by Edward M. Hallowell, M.D. and John L. Ratey, M.D.

Since I rarely can pay attention long enough to read a whole book, I have it on CD and listened to it to and from work, etc.


Well-Known Member
I worked with a guy who had adult ADD. He knew it and was afraid to take the medication. He drove me crazy :jameo:


off the shelf
I was diagnosed with it about 10 or so years ago....I don't take meds....I did try different ones for a short time though....they made me sleep WAY to much and I'd wake up with a massive headache

I find that if I drink coffee and soda(preferably Mountain Dew), I usually can control the mind wandering

Of my 5 mutts, 4 of them have been diagnosed with it and they aren't on meds either


Free to Fly
My ex has it and gave up taking the meds because he couldn't drink alcohol with them. He found out eventually that he couldn't go that route forever because he was so irrational and couldn't focus to the point he nearly lost his job without the meds. He also did impulsive/stupid things that almost got him fired because he just didn't care that much anymore about trying to do his job. He was also very mean and got angry easily because he felt out of control.


New Member
I think this is why i suck at being diabetic. I forget to take insulin and test all the time. Then i realised that I forget to do alot of important things, that I do many things at once, read, tv, music, painting, running from one room to another, doing alot of things that interest me, and never getting anything done. I see the doctor next week, this is the last med I will try, in an effort to get it together. I read that article Rosered suggested...I do have other issues, I did try alchohol as a young woman, and it helped, but I knew I could become an alchaholic. I have social anxiety and deppresion, and I have weaned off all meds, and this add thing is the last thing I will take psych meds for. I really hope it works. Right now, I am painting a china cabinet, (for 3 days now) and thinking about what I am going to paint on a huge canvas I have. So many things I want to do, but with only one body, it doesn't get done.


I bowl overhand
My ex has it and gave up taking the meds because he couldn't drink alcohol with them. He found out eventually that he couldn't go that route forever because he was so irrational and couldn't focus to the point he nearly lost his job without the meds. He also did impulsive/stupid things that almost got him fired because he just didn't care that much anymore about trying to do his job. He was also very mean and got angry easily because he felt out of control.

Maybe he didn't have A.D.D. maybe he had A.S.S.


New Member
Maybe he didn't have A.D.D. maybe he had A.S.S.

:lmao:Yeah, I was thinking the same sort of thing, I would never be mean or rude like that if I could help it, I am glad I don't have to deal with a mean ADD-hole, they are the worst. I only lose my temper when I screw up, not when others do.