


This weekend I discovered the latest form of advertising. I rented a movie from Blockbuster, and on the inside of the cover was an ad for Diet Sprite. I guess it's an inventive place to put an ad, but it just seems like we're being assaulted more and more with advertising everywhere we go these days, from TV to movie theaters to the Internet, etc. etc. I think it can get to be a little annoying; where will it stop???


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
SoMDGuy1980 said:
where will it stop???
It will never stop. Companies need to promote their products, create awareness and encourage brand loyalty. The only way to do it is to put their message where the eyeballs are.

My favorite is the ads on the inside of bathroom stall doors. :lol: Talk about a captive audience!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
You know what would be cool? Everyone gets implanted with a brain chip at birth, then devices are set up all over the place that send a subliminal message to the chip. "You're thirsty and dying for a Diet Coke."

With something like that you could even trigger an olfactory response - "Mmmmm....smell that flame broiled Whopper!"


Someone recently told me they went to the movies and there were 30 minutes of commercials and previews before it started.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Pete said:
Someone recently told me they went to the movies and there were 30 minutes of commercials and previews before it started.
See, that's the dilemma - creating advertising that gets the message out without irritating people. We experimented with popups and floating ads on Somd, then quickly abandoned them. When your advertising annoys even you, that's a bad sign.

This is what I REALLY do for a living (and you thought I just babysat the forums!) so the topic is very interesting to me.


vraiblonde said:
See, that's the dilemma - creating advertising that gets the message out without irritating people. We experimented with popups and floating ads on Somd, then quickly abandoned them. When your advertising annoys even you, that's a bad sign.

This is what I REALLY do for a living (and you thought I just babysat the forums!) so the topic is very interesting to me.
Radio has gotten really bad as well. I listen to XM’s America Right in the mornings on the way to work after I drop off Boy. The drive is about 15 minutes and I noticed that I actually listen to about 4 minutes of program and 11 minutes of commercials out of the 15 minutes. I have almost abandoned it and just listen to music.


vraiblonde said:
See, that's the dilemma - creating advertising that gets the message out without irritating people. We experimented with popups and floating ads on Somd, then quickly abandoned them. When your advertising annoys even you, that's a bad sign.

This is what I REALLY do for a living (and you thought I just babysat the forums!) so the topic is very interesting to me.

I've decided to sell advertising that I'll post on my butt, since that's the place all the women always seem to be looking! :roflmao:


New Member
SoMDGuy1980 said:
This weekend I discovered the latest form of advertising. I rented a movie from Blockbuster, and on the inside of the cover was an ad for Diet Sprite.

I got an ad from the ARMY.


vraiblonde said:
It will never stop. Companies need to promote their products, create awareness and encourage brand loyalty. The only way to do it is to put their message where the eyeballs are.

My favorite is the ads on the inside of bathroom stall doors. :lol: Talk about a captive audience!
Oh, I know it will never stop until every square inch of available space is taken up with advertising, but whether or not it SHOULD stop is another question. I don't want my entire life to just be one long commercial.