AFC Title


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
Colts at New England. Patriots giving 7 points.

Who wins straight up? Why?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Colts because their D can COVER tight at the line of scrimmage, the thing B'more got killed by and could not do. Plus, Indy can pressure with their front 4 which is absolutely necessary if you cover tight at the line.

On offense, Luck seems to be one of those guys that makes plays when the S is hitting the F. And he seems to have the weapons, the skill people and they have the attitude. They were all getting pissed when Denver made that one 4th down at the beginning of the 4th (IIRC) just furious, players and coaches and I looked at the score, they're up two scores. Indy isn't there to give it a go as the new guys. They seem to be very much about getting it done.

They bounced back, right away, against Denver. They can run enough to put together drives. Special teams seems to be good enough.

Of course, on the other hand, it is Brady and Bellichick and that whole crew.

If I have to boil it down to one thing, it is that Indy applies pressure and covers man, tight, at the line. I can only guess the Raven's didn't think they could cover like that and it killed them. In the brutal reality of the NFL, if Brady gets in a few shots on Indy, they're going to be hitting him all game and that pays off in the second half. You can't let a great QB pick you apart. Baltimore did. Yesterday, Indy wouldn't allow it.

Indy wins.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Pats. Just because they got that bugaboo against the Baltimores at Gillette Stadium (if that's still the name) off their back.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
See, I like that argument, too, the 'cleared a hurdle' thing.

I don't know if you intended a little sarcasm there, but no doubt the Pats are breathing easier, looser, and having a bit more fun now with that off their shoulders.....

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I don't know if you intended a little sarcasm there, but no doubt the Pats are breathing easier, looser, and having a bit more fun now with that off their shoulders.....

No sarcasm at all. You called it a 'bugaboo' and I'm just agreeing, calling it a hurdle. I presume we're talking about the Raven's being 2-1 at the Pats in the playoffs before this weekend, yes?


Well-Known Member
See, I like that argument, too, the 'cleared a hurdle' thing.

And I, respectfully, dislike your argument in favor of the press coverage. For two reasons. 1st, they're not gonna be able to press Gronkowski. 2nd and more important, they were able to run, almost at will, against them in the 1st meeting. So press coverage is moot.