Affirmative Action?


This is fun right?
For those of us who oppose affirmative action, this story (<--Linky)will warm the heart. In the UK a black police officer, charged with protecting the royal family, has sued for “overpromotion” based on his race, and won.

A BLACK police bodyguard who protected the Duchess of Cornwall has won $70,000 compensation after suing Scotland Yard for “over-promoting” him because of political correctness.

Sgt Leslie Turner—the first black personal protection officer to guard the royal family—will receive the “racial discrimination” payout after reaching an out-of-court settlement with London’s Metropolitan Police.

His representatives argued he landed the prestigious job as Camilla’s bodyguard only because he was black.

Now, lest you think that this guy is a bastion of personal integrity for opposing a free handout based on his skin color, read on.

It was claimed that as a result of being over-promoted and not receiving proper training and support, Sgt Turner made mistakes which led to him being re-assigned

Here’s how it breaks down. The guy is promoted to a job he was unqualified and untrained for, solely because of his race. Because of his lack of training and/or ability, he makes mistakes and is reassigned. Upset at being reassigned, he then sues, claiming that it was the department’s fault that he was given a job he was unqualified to do.

Seriously, you can’t make this sh!t up.