After the flu...


This Space for Rent
You are at that point where your lungs are clearing. Have you ever been sitting in a small meeting, cough hard, and feel that huge glob of something come up inside your mouth from your lungs? Then it takes you a second to realize you got something huge and slimey in your mouth and all you can do is choke it back down?

I hate that.


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
FromTexas said:
You are at that point where your lungs are clearing. Have you ever been sitting in a small meeting, cough hard, and feel that huge glob of something come up inside your mouth from your lungs? Then it takes you a second to realize you got something huge and slimey in your mouth and all you can do is choke it back down?

I hate that.
I hate when I have both hands on the wheel and cough and it lands on the dashboard.


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
K_Jo said:
I hate when I have both hands on the wheel and cough and it lands on the dashboard.

Thank you. Thank you very much for the exquisite visual... YUMMMMMM

I am sporting a knowing grin, I'll have you know!!!!! :lmao:


But wait, there's more...
I especially like it when you're mid-flu, and your nose is soooo stopped up that it feels like it'd take a nuke to unclog it ... then, all of a sudden, you have a sneeze of MOAB proportions, and suddenly, your nose is no longer stopped up. Yet, there's this strange gooey blob on your monitor. :confused:

Not that I'd know from experience or nuthin'. :whistle:


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
CMC122 said:
I can safely say I have never had that happen:lol:
I made an ex-boyfriend puke when it happened. He was hungover and that sent him over the edge. :lol: Oh, how I laughed and laughed.


FromTexas said:
You are at that point where your lungs are clearing. Have you ever been sitting in a small meeting, cough hard, and feel that huge glob of something come up inside your mouth from your lungs? Then it takes you a second to realize you got something huge and slimey in your mouth and all you can do is choke it back down?

I hate that.

:lmao: No, but the sneeze and the massive hunk that hits the computer screen is fairly nasty.

I was out on home visits today spreading the germs, I mean the love. :wink:


crabcake said:
I especially like it when you're mid-flu, and your nose is soooo stopped up that it feels like it'd take a nuke to unclog it ... then, all of a sudden, you have a sneeze of MOAB proportions, and suddenly, your nose is no longer stopped up. Yet, there's this strange gooey blob on your monitor. :confused:

Not that I'd know from experience or nuthin'. :whistle:

:dork: I guess I should read these threads before I respond.


Jersey attitude.
crabcake said:
I especially like it when you're mid-flu, and your nose is soooo stopped up that it feels like it'd take a nuke to unclog it ... then, all of a sudden, you have a sneeze of MOAB proportions, and suddenly, your nose is no longer stopped up. Yet, there's this strange gooey blob on your monitor. :confused:

Not that I'd know from experience or nuthin'. :whistle:

Or... when you do sneeze after being stopped up for so long, and you are sure something escaped, but you don't see it.... until the next morning when you slide your keyboard back and wonder "Gee what is this crackly greenish stuff that's... oooh ICK!" And you run for the clorox wipes. :ohwell:


What sucks is trying to run on ice when a pit bull is running after you. Now that really sucks, but I made it to the car today, wheezing and coughing. When I hit the top of the hill, I lit a much needed cigarette.