Amicus Brief Supports Anne Arundel County in Requiring Suicide Awareness and Prevention Literature at the Point of Sale for Guns and Ammunition
BALTIMORE, MD (July 19, 2023) – Maryland Attorney General Anthony G. Brown filed an amicus brief on Monday, July 17, 2023, supporting Anne Arundel County’s suicide prevention measures in the case of Maryland Shall Issue, Inc., et al v. Anne Arundel County, Maryland, currently before the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit. The amicus curiae brief emphasizes the importance of targeted efforts to increase awareness of suicide risk factors and available resources at the point of sale of firearms and ammunition.
Firearms account for approximately 45% of suicide deaths in Maryland, making them the leading method of suicide both in the state and nationally. In Maryland, suicide disproportionately impacts children, ranking as the second leading cause of death among five to 14-year-olds and the third leading cause among 15 to 24-year-olds. In addition, the brief underscores the significant impact of firearm suicides on veterans, as firearms are used in 68% of suicides among this vulnerable group.
“For every life lost to suicide, a family and a community are forever changed, left shattered by heartbreak and plagued by the haunting question of what could have been done to prevent such a tragedy,” said Attorney General Brown. “The devastating toll of suicide, fueled by impulsive decisions born in moments of profound despair, is compounded by the convenience and accessibility of firearms. Education, awareness, and community support play critical roles in recognizing the warning signs and equipping individuals who are struggling with the support and interventions needed to prevent such tragedies.”
Suicide is a public health issue that affects individuals of all ages, backgrounds, races, and genders. Maryland has implemented comprehensive suicide prevention programming at the state, local, and community levels, recognizing the need for a multi-faceted approach to addressing the complex factors that contribute to this problem.
In addition, Maryland has taken proactive measures to prevent firearm-related suicides, such as implementing Extreme Risk Protective Orders, developing a comprehensive action plan for veteran suicide prevention, and enacting legislation to address safe firearm storage. The State's collective efforts, combined with those of local jurisdictions like Anne Arundel County, aim to create a network of prevention programs that can have a synergistic impact on reducing suicide rates.
BALTIMORE, MD (July 19, 2023) – Maryland Attorney General Anthony G. Brown filed an amicus brief on Monday, July 17, 2023, supporting Anne Arundel County’s suicide prevention measures in the case of Maryland Shall Issue, Inc., et al v. Anne Arundel County, Maryland, currently before the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit. The amicus curiae brief emphasizes the importance of targeted efforts to increase awareness of suicide risk factors and available resources at the point of sale of firearms and ammunition.
Firearms account for approximately 45% of suicide deaths in Maryland, making them the leading method of suicide both in the state and nationally. In Maryland, suicide disproportionately impacts children, ranking as the second leading cause of death among five to 14-year-olds and the third leading cause among 15 to 24-year-olds. In addition, the brief underscores the significant impact of firearm suicides on veterans, as firearms are used in 68% of suicides among this vulnerable group.
“For every life lost to suicide, a family and a community are forever changed, left shattered by heartbreak and plagued by the haunting question of what could have been done to prevent such a tragedy,” said Attorney General Brown. “The devastating toll of suicide, fueled by impulsive decisions born in moments of profound despair, is compounded by the convenience and accessibility of firearms. Education, awareness, and community support play critical roles in recognizing the warning signs and equipping individuals who are struggling with the support and interventions needed to prevent such tragedies.”
Suicide is a public health issue that affects individuals of all ages, backgrounds, races, and genders. Maryland has implemented comprehensive suicide prevention programming at the state, local, and community levels, recognizing the need for a multi-faceted approach to addressing the complex factors that contribute to this problem.
In addition, Maryland has taken proactive measures to prevent firearm-related suicides, such as implementing Extreme Risk Protective Orders, developing a comprehensive action plan for veteran suicide prevention, and enacting legislation to address safe firearm storage. The State's collective efforts, combined with those of local jurisdictions like Anne Arundel County, aim to create a network of prevention programs that can have a synergistic impact on reducing suicide rates.