dems4me said:
I thought I'd share this anyways... I found it funny...
Play the "You wanna No something - just ask a democrat" video
I think it was Nancy Pelosi in that video who correctly summed up what the Democrats seem to be about - blocking the President and not offering solutions or alternatives.
The reason I registered a Democrat, and despite my conservative voting record, continue to remain registered as one is that, generally, the Democrats have had the best overall new ideas. True, they've had to be morphed and tweaked until they become something practical and useful. But it's generally been my observation that they've traditionally been the party of innovation. If I wanted to hire management where I wanted to stay the course and run things efficiently, I'd hire Republicans. But if I wanted new ideas and pioneer new areas - well, up until a few years ago, I'd have hired Democrats.
But not in the last five or six years, at least. No longer. They don't come up with new ideas.
Social Security is a great example, and I can't believe the Democrats are making *any* gains in this area. I heard someone make this point the other day, and it really made sense - what the hell is wrong with giving someone the OPTION of investing PART of their Social Security 'pension'? Not whether or not the whole thing should be invested, or "privatized" as it has successfully been demonized by its detractors - but why is it bad to give someone the *choice* whether or not to invest it?
The Democrats have responded with - in stark contrast to their doom and gloom forecasts of the 2000 election - that it is 'not a problem' and it can be 'fixed' with higher taxes and a (whispered quietly) ..........reduction in benefits.
The higher taxes option won't work at all - as everyone here knows - what happens with the money over and above the payouts? It gets *spent*. So how the hell will taxing people MORE now prevent a collapse down the line? All it means is Congress will have more to spend *today*. They've never had the willpower to leave the money alone.
Privatization changes all that - it means the money's mine.
Actually, if it were MY idea, I'd phase out Social Security altogether. I'd make some form of retirement planning mandatory for all workers.
The Democrat's plan? A dumb commercial suggesting you have to tear down a whole house to fix a plumbing leak.
There's innovation for ya.