Against 'Principled Loserdom' | Opinion


PREMO Member
Substantive justice must always be conservatives' political lodestar. And if conservatives find themselves irrevocably hamstrung by a peculiar conception of the permissible means to achieve that end, at least over a reasonable duration of time, then it is time to change the means. "The Constitution is not a suicide pact," goes the famous paraphrase of Justice Robert Jackson's 1949 dissent in Terminiello v. City of Chicago. Neither, for that matter, is American civilization itself. And contra the coffee-sipping canine of online meme fame, things in America are not "fine."

Conservatives must start acting like they actually understand this, wielding whatever levers of power they are able to attain. Given the Left's successful Gramscian "march through the institutions" chokehold on all of the major institutions of civil society, that means using crass political power. It means, in other words, following the example of Florida Republicans and Disney.

But the long-term success of following the Florida playbook will depend, in part, on how quickly the "New Right" can excise "political loserdom."



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
You either want to win or you don't. And I think the Repukes want to win, but....what? Clearly the establishment GOP doesn't want to win for our country, so I have to believe there's something in it for them when We the People lose. Typically that something is money.


the poor dad
I was at a St. Mary's Republican event last night with our state elected officials. Delegate Matt Morgan told the group that as session started this year in Annapolis, the republican-elected decided they were going to try to play nice with the democrats in order to get some bills passed that favored conservatives. Many of us in the room shook our heads in disbelief - it doesn't matter to a democrat controlled state how you play with democrats - they will f^ck you over every time! Matt said after a month or two, they finally took the gloves off and had some fun at the dems expense, knowing they(repubs) weren't getting what they wanted regardless of how they played in the sandbox.


the poor dad
Speaking of which, anyone attending Jaymi Sterling's event tonight with her daddy at Hollywood firehouse?


Well-Known Member
I hope she is a better Republican than her Daddy, and I am not so sure about who will get my vote this year.
I am not all that convinced that fritz needs to be returned, but she has to sell me on her platform.
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