Ah, those creative DIs!


American Beauty
PREMO Member
A recruit in Marine corps boot camp thought he was special because he was an eagle scout. The Drill Instructor picked up on this and during Physical Training took him into the woods and made him build a nest. Then he had to squat over it in order to keep his eggs warm.



Those are great!

I love this one.

There was a time when we made a private sweep all the sunshine off the sidewalks. It took the poor guy all day.
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Homer J

Power Chord
My son just finished boot camp at Parris Island in December. He told me when they were on the shooting range, he spent some time in the pit, pulling targets. At one point during a lull in the training, he was squatting against the wall spinning some device they used for marking hits on the target. One of the DIs saw him and said he looked like he was driving the bus. He spent the next half hour squatting against the wall, using the device as a steering wheel, and singing "The Wheels on the Bus" at the top of his lungs. Every so often the DI would tell him he needed to stop and pick kids up. He had to make the noise of the bus doors opening and closing, and then get back to singing.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
My son just finished boot camp at Parris Island in December. He told me when they were on the shooting range, he spent some time in the pit, pulling targets. At one point during a lull in the training, he was squatting against the wall spinning some device they used for marking hits on the target. One of the DIs saw him and said he looked like he was driving the bus. He spent the next half hour squatting against the wall, using the device as a steering wheel, and singing "The Wheels on the Bus" at the top of his lungs. Every so often the DI would tell him he needed to stop and pick kids up. He had to make the noise of the bus doors opening and closing, and then get back to singing.



Physical Fitness training, running on the beach. Lunch time. Instructor stopped us, informed us we were taking a chow break. Had us drop to the sand, roll from belly to back, 3-4 times, then pop tall. Had us face each other, all of us covered in sand, and announced we were all "sugar cookies" and asked us if we felt full? Then we resumed the run...

Good times!


I bowl overhand
I got into too much trouble in Basic.. Drill Sergeants HATED when recruits were having a good time, laughing and smiling. From the time.my feet hit the ground when I got off the bus, until graduation.. can't remember a single punishment, at least not one that would be funny..
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