

New Member
Well:tap: Who's next?? 4 safe
Kristy's in the bottom two. :boo:

She's one of the better ones on there, next to Carly Smithson and Michael. (EDIT: Add Syeesha to those who are really good)

The rest can go, but I'm sure they'll all be gone before the final three.

Of course, it's already set: David A., David C, and Brooke.

WTF are Jason and David Archulupa doing there in the first place.
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New Member
If justice is done, Ramielle goes.

I'm not saying the BEST 3 are in the bottom three, but I am going to say NONE of the worst 3 are. :boo:

This show's making us look dumb. This just proved that Americans have chit taste in music.

David Ar-Chalupa is the worst. I'd rather listen to nails on a chalkboard or ESPN's Suzy Kolber. But, you can tell the 14 year-olds are still up voting at 9pm. :jet:


New Member
Her attitude stinks. :boo:
Fanscreama's attitude sucked as well. She thought she was so much better than everyone else because she raised a child.


Fanscreama was the ABSOLUTE WORST winner of American Idol. We might change that this year though with people like Chalupa boy and the Jamacian wannabe (Jason).


New Member
I see Idol's going to keep their primary viewers happy by getting Miley Cyrus to perform for the charity concert. :jet:

Well, I'm too :yawn: to stay awake. Let me know who goes home.