Airline insanity...


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
For a while they were prohibiting "Transformer" toys. :rolleyes:

What the heck kinda threat is a Transformer?


I think that the whole idea of airline security is a big waste of $$$$$. There are about 1,000 things already on an airliner that someone can make a weapon out of, ranging from portable fire extinguishers to just breaking off a long, sharp, piece of plastic from the trim, and these weapons will be just as harmful or deadly as any non-firearm/explosive that you could sneak on the plane.

There are three ways to make airline travel safe:

1. Identify and kill potential hijackers (and I think we're on our way to doing that.)
2. Arm pilots (we're doing that.)
3. Ensure that passengers know that it's perfectly legal for them to take whatever action is necessary to subdue a hijacker. :biggrin:


New Member
Well goll-ly. I thought making them thar inspectors gubbmint workers wus gonna stop this here stuff. You mean the gubbmint caint protect me at all times? We need a program to make sure that there program works.
