Airport Security


Well-Known Member
You've got to admit, that's one smart kid. One who may be in need of a butt-whoopin, but smart. And of course it does reflect very badly on security.


New Member
Execute the lil bastard now so my tax $$ won't give him 3 hots & a cot for the rest of his life.

Execute the mother too for procreating. :cussing:


NOT Politically Correct!!
Hope he's able to paste the pictures of his famous antics in his Juvi Cell and his mother should not be allowed to breed anymore because she obviously cannot control her current litter... :coffee:

As for the Airlines, you dumb dumbs... :wench:


wandering aimlessly
He wants to be with his grandfather. His mother has 3 other sons. He is waaaayyyyy past unhappy. Have to wonder why. I'd let him live with grandpa.

Sweet 16

checkingthenews said:
This actually happened this morning, my spouse arrived at National and Security almost took the shakey snow globe he had bought for someone. All because it had water in it.......................that's just crazy!
I dont' know which scares me more, the thought of this cretin on the loose or the apparent lack of airline security. You have to wonder how they can keep water off a plane but not under-age, unattended little boys. Something is broken and needs to be fixed ASAP!


New Member
bohman said:
You've got to admit, that's one smart kid. One who may be in need of a butt-whoopin, but smart. And of course it does reflect very badly on security.

Are you kidding? Did you catch American Idol - I'd want to run away from Seattle too. :lmao:


I wanna be a SMIB
bresamil said:
He wants to be with his grandfather. His mother has 3 other sons. He is waaaayyyyy past unhappy. Have to wonder why. I'd let him live with grandpa.

Maybe grandpa doesnt want the hassle


Well-Known Member
baileydog said:
Maybe grandpa doesnt want the hassle

Yeah, if grandpa wanted him he'd have sent him a plane or bus ticket. Not just "see if you can hop a plane, good luck!"